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function elfinder_document_root in elFinder file manager 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 elfinder.module \elfinder_document_root()
  2. 6.2 elfinder.module \elfinder_document_root()
  3. 6 elfinder.module \elfinder_document_root()
  4. 7.3 elfinder.module \elfinder_document_root()
  5. 7 elfinder.module \elfinder_document_root()

Returning site document root

2 calls to elfinder_document_root()
elfinder_ffsel_element_value in modules/elfinder_ffsel/elfinder_ffsel.module
Value handler that adds the files to the filefield values.
filefield_source_elfinder_value in modules/elfinder_ffsel/elfinder_ffsel.module
A #filefield_value_callback function.


./elfinder.module, line 1056


function elfinder_document_root() {
  return realpath('');