editor_note_access_crud_operations |
./editor_note.module |
Defines access callback for CRUD operations. |
1 |
1 |
editor_note_add_note |
./editor_note.module |
Ajax callback for 'Add note' button in 'editor_note_field_widget_form'. |
1 |
editor_note_add_note_submit |
./editor_note.module |
Submit callback for 'editor_note_field_widget_form'. |
1 |
editor_note_add_note_validate |
./editor_note.module |
Validates value of 'Create a note' textarea during adding a note via ajax. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_edit_form |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Builds confirmation form for editing the note which displays in popup. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_edit_form_update |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Submit callback for 'Update' button in 'editor_note_confirm_edit_form'. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_edit_form_validate_update |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Validates value of 'Create a note' textarea during updating a note via ajax. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_edit_page |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Builds confirmation page for updating selected note. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_form_cancel |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Submit callback for 'Cancel' button in 'editor_note_confirm_remove_form'. |
2 |
editor_note_confirm_remove_form |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Builds confirmation form for removing the note which displays in popup. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_remove_form_remove |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Submit callback for 'Remove' button in 'editor_note_confirm_remove_form'. |
1 |
editor_note_confirm_remove_page |
./editor_note.pages.inc |
Builds confirmation page for removing selected note. |
1 |
editor_note_delete |
./editor_note.module |
Deletes single note. |
1 |
editor_note_entity_delete |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_entity_delete(). |
editor_note_entity_info |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_entity_info(). |
editor_note_entity_property_info |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_entity_property_info(). |
editor_note_field_delete_instance |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_delete_instance(). |
editor_note_field_formatter_info |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_formatter_info(). |
editor_note_field_formatter_settings_form |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form(). |
editor_note_field_formatter_settings_summary |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary(). |
editor_note_field_formatter_view |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_formatter_view(). |
editor_note_field_info |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_info(). |
editor_note_field_insert |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_insert(). |
editor_note_field_is_empty |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_is_empty(). |
editor_note_field_load |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_load(). |
editor_note_field_settings_form |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_settings_form(). |
editor_note_field_update |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_update(). |
editor_note_field_validate |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_validate(). |
editor_note_field_widget_error |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_widget_error(). |
editor_note_field_widget_form |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_widget_form(). |
editor_note_field_widget_info |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_field_widget_info(). |
editor_note_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for field_ui_field_edit_form(). |
editor_note_get_formatted_notes |
./editor_note.module |
Returns formatted notes table. |
5 |
editor_note_get_notes |
./editor_note.module |
Returns array of notes per entity revision. |
6 |
editor_note_help |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_help(). |
editor_note_load |
./editor_note.module |
Loads single note based on certain conditions. |
3 |
editor_note_load_ctools_modal |
./editor_note.module |
Enables support of CTools module for Ajax operations. |
1 |
editor_note_menu |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_menu(). |
editor_note_node_revision_delete |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_node_revision_delete(). |
editor_note_permission |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_permission(). |
editor_note_save |
./editor_note.module |
Saves note. |
3 |
editor_note_schema |
./editor_note.install |
Implements hook_schema(). |
editor_note_theme |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_theme(). |
editor_note_update_7001 |
./editor_note.install |
Adds 'text_format' database field to support text formats. |
editor_note_update_7002 |
./editor_note.install |
Updates blank text_format to the default 'plain_text' format. |
editor_note_validate_float_positive_or_zero |
./editor_note.module |
Validates form element that accepts float value and must be >= 0 or <= 1. |
1 |
editor_note_validate_hex |
./editor_note.module |
Validates form element that accepts HEX value. |
1 |
editor_note_validate_integer_positive_or_zero |
./editor_note.module |
Validates form element that accepts positive integer or 0. |
2 |
editor_note_validate_size |
./editor_note.module |
Validates form element that accepts positive integer value (px) or 'auto'. |
1 |
editor_note_views_data_alter |
./editor_note.module |
Implements hook_views_data_alter(). |