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9 uses of EDITOR_NOTE_DEFAULT_TEXT_FORMAT in Editor Notes 7

editor_note_confirm_edit_form in ./
Builds confirmation form for editing the note which displays in popup.
editor_note_confirm_edit_form_update in ./
Submit callback for 'Update' button in 'editor_note_confirm_edit_form'.
editor_note_confirm_edit_form_validate_update in ./
Validates value of 'Create a note' textarea during updating a note via ajax.
editor_note_field_info in ./editor_note.module
Implements hook_field_info().
editor_note_field_settings_form in ./editor_note.module
Implements hook_field_settings_form().
editor_note_field_validate in ./editor_note.module
Implements hook_field_validate().
editor_note_field_widget_form in ./editor_note.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
editor_note_get_formatted_notes in ./editor_note.module
Returns formatted notes table.
editor_note_save in ./editor_note.module
Saves note.