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function editableviews_plugin_style_row_edit_table::insert_form_elements in Editable Views 7

Insert the field form elements into the rendered View fields.


$result: The result array from $view->result

1 call to editableviews_plugin_style_row_edit_table::insert_form_elements()
editableviews_plugin_style_row_edit_table::render_fields in ./
Render all of the fields for a given style and store them on the object.


./, line 136


Plugin class for the Editable Table style.


function insert_form_elements($result) {

  //dsm($result, '$result');

  // Get our edit field handlers.
  $edit_field_handlers = $this
  if (empty($edit_field_handlers)) {

    // There's nothing to do!

  //dsm($edit_field_handlers, '$edit_field_handlers');
  $relationship_handlers = $this->display->handler


  // Build an array of the field names to make editable.
  // The keys are the id keys of the Views handlers.
  // For non-field-API fields, the definition must include this property.
  $edit_fields = array();

  // Create the keys in this so they exist even for relationships with no
  // editable fields.
  $edit_field_handlers_grouped = array_fill_keys(array_keys($relationship_handlers), array());
  $edit_field_handlers_grouped[$this->view->base_table] = array();
  foreach ($edit_field_handlers as $handler_id => $handler) {

    //dsm($handler, "field handler $handler_id");
    $edit_fields[$handler_id] = $handler

    // Build an array of handlers grouped by relationship ID.
    // This is for the form builder to only work on the handlers that are
    // relevant to the entity's relationship.
    $field_handler_relationship_id = $handler->options['relationship'];
    if ($field_handler_relationship_id == 'none') {
      $field_handler_relationship_id = $this->view->base_table;
    $edit_field_handlers_grouped[$field_handler_relationship_id][$handler_id] = $handler;

  // Build an array of entities that we should be working with. We load the
  // that are implicit in the view result, creating new ones if there are any
  // gaps.
  // The entity ID fields have been added to the view result by query().
  $result_entities = array();
  foreach ($result as $index => $result_row) {
    foreach ($this->helper->relationship_entity_fields as $relationship_id => $relationship_entity_data) {
      $entity_type = $relationship_entity_data['entity_type'];

      // Get the entity ID out of the result.
      $entity_id = $result_row->{$relationship_entity_data['id_field_alias']};

      // Get the entities we work with, and build an array of them.
      if (isset($entity_id)) {
        $entity = entity_load_single($entity_type, $entity_id);
        $result_entities[$entity_type][$entity_id] = $entity;
      else {
        if (count($edit_field_handlers_grouped[$relationship_id])) {

          // If there is no entity, and the relationship has editable fields,
          // we create one (i.e., make the object without saving it). We give
          // this a fake entity id, composed of the relationship handler id
          // and the index so it's unique.
          $entity_id = $relationship_id . ':' . $index;
          $entity = $this->helper
          $result_entities[$entity_type][$entity_id] = $entity;

      // Build a lookup from entity type and entity to the result row index
      // and relationship. It helps to conceptualize this as giving us
      // coordinates for where the entity has fields in the view table:
      // the index gives the row, and the relationship gives the column(s).
      // This is for the form builder to be able to get to the right result
      // row and to know which handlers to get form elements from.
      $result_indexes[$entity_type][$entity_id] = array(

      // Build a lookup array of the same coordinates, but towards the entity:
      // keys are relationship ID then index, values are entity type and entity.
      $result_indexes_reverse[$relationship_id][$index] = array(

  //dsm($result_entities, '$result_entities');

  //dsm($result_indexes_reverse, '$result_indexes_reverse');

  // Make a combined array of coordinate lookups, both forward and reverse.
  // TODO: eventually replace everything to work with this arrays instead of
  // the two separate ones.
  $results_coordinates = array(
    'entities_to_results' => $result_indexes,
    'results_to_entities' => $result_indexes_reverse,

  // Build up some lookups pertaining to field handlers, and set the editable
  // fields on new entities.
  $result_entity_ids = array();
  foreach ($result as $index => $result_row) {
    foreach ($edit_field_handlers as $handler_id => $handler) {

      // Get the entity type and entity for this field handler from the
      // relationship lookup.
      $field_handler_relationship_id = $handler->options['relationship'];
      if ($field_handler_relationship_id == 'none') {
        $field_handler_relationship_id = $this->view->base_table;

      // Add the field_name for this field handler to the list on the entity
      // which keeps track of them.
      list($entity_type, $entity_id) = $result_indexes_reverse[$field_handler_relationship_id][$index];
      if (!is_numeric($entity_id)) {
        $entity = $result_entities[$entity_type][$entity_id];
        $entity->editableviews_exposed_fields[] = $handler

      // Build a lookup array from index and field handler to the entity type
      // and entity. This is to get to the right form element to include when
      // we finally render our fields.
      // Just get the entity coordinates from the relationship lookup.
      $result_entity_ids[$index][$handler_id] = $result_indexes_reverse[$field_handler_relationship_id][$index];

  //dsm($result_entity_ids, '$result_entity_ids');

  // Now we have built up all our entities, go over them again and add
  // the connecting properties to any new ones.
  // In other words:
  //  - On a forward relationship, the existing entity on the relationship's
  //    base needs to point to the new entity that is (potentially) about to
  //    be saved.
  //  - On a reverse relationship, the new entity that is about to be created
  //    needs to point back to the existing entity on the relationship's base.
  // Here we figure out the id we need to point to, and the property to point
  // to it in.
    ->connect_new_entities($result_entities, $results_coordinates, $edit_field_handlers_grouped);

  //dsm($result_entities, '$result_entities post connect');

  // Load up the form render array.
    ->get_form($result_entities, $results_coordinates, $edit_field_handlers_grouped);

  // Doctor the view's rendered fields to add in the form elements for
  // the appropriate entity and field.
  foreach ($this->rendered_fields as $index => $rendered_fields) {
    foreach ($edit_fields as $handler_id => $field_name) {

      // Get the already rendered field.
      $rendered_field = $this->rendered_fields[$index][$handler_id];

      // Get the entity type and entity that this field handler shows from our
      // lookup array, so that we can pick out the form element to render
      // for it.
      list($entity_type, $entity_id) = $result_entity_ids[$index][$handler_id];

      // TODO! theme this!!
      $this->rendered_fields[$index][$handler_id] = '<div class="views-row-edit-static">' . $rendered_field . '</div>';
      $this->rendered_fields[$index][$handler_id] .= '<div class="views-row-edit-edit">' . drupal_render($this->form[$entity_type][$entity_id][$field_name]) . '</div>';