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function editableviews_plugin_style_row_edit_table::get_form in Editable Views 7

Helper method. Retrieves the form render array.


$entities: An array of entities to get the form for, keyed first by entity type and then by entity id.

$results_coordinates: An array containing coordinates lookups for getting entity type and entity from row id and relationship, and the same the other way round. Contains:

  • 'entities_to_results': A nested array keyed by entity type then entity id. The final values are flat arrays of the relationship id and result index.
  • 'results_to_entities': A nested array keyed by relationship id then result index. The final values are flat arrays of the entity type and entity id.

$edit_field_handlers: An array of field handlers to provide form elements for, grouped by their relationship. See editableviews_entity_form() for details.

1 call to editableviews_plugin_style_row_edit_table::get_form()
editableviews_plugin_style_row_edit_table::insert_form_elements in ./
Insert the field form elements into the rendered View fields.


./, line 312


Plugin class for the Editable Table style.


function get_form($entities, $results_coordinates, $edit_field_handlers) {

  // Create a dynamic form ID using the base name (for quick recognition
  // in hook_forms()) and the view name. This allows hook_form_alter() to
  // target forms for specific views. We don't add the display name as there's
  // no clean way to mark the separation between that and the view name.
  // @see editableviews_forms()
  $form_id = 'editableviews_entity_form' . '_' . $this->view->name;

  // We store this rather than return it, as it's used in different places.
  $this->form = drupal_get_form($form_id, $entities, $results_coordinates, $edit_field_handlers, $this->view);