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function editablefields_content_build_modes in Editable Fields 6.3

Implementation of hook_content_build_modes().

Return value



./editablefields.module, line 174
Editable fields module.


function editablefields_content_build_modes() {

  // Tell CCK about our "build" modes so that users can specify
  // how they want the text in their modal/other link to be formatted
  // on the Display Fields tab of the CCK admin.
  $build_modes = array();
  $plugins = editablefields_get_responders();
  if (!empty($plugins)) {
    $build_modes = array(
      'editablefields' => array(
        'title' => t('Editable'),
        'build modes' => array(),
    foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name => $plugin) {
      foreach ($plugin['build modes'] as $mode_name => $mode_info) {
        $build_modes['editablefields']['build modes'][$mode_name] = $mode_info;
  return $build_modes;