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function edit_limit_link_alter in Edit Limit 6

Implementation of hook_link_alter(). This removes comment edit links if the comment is no longer editable.


./edit_limit.module, line 218
edit_limit.module Primary module file for Edit Limit. This contains all the hooks needed to run the module.


function edit_limit_link_alter(&$links, $node, $comment = NULL) {
  if (!empty($links['comment_edit'])) {

    // Allow edit links if the edit count hasn't been reached yet.
    // TODO: Complete this functionality.
    if (0) {
      $results = db_query("SELECT * FROM {edit_limit_comment_time} WHERE cid=%d", $comment->cid);

    // Allow edit links if there is enough time left based on the system variable edit_limit_comment_time.
    // We don't have to do much user access checking, since this link will only exist if the user passed
    // the comment_access() check for this given comment.
    if (!user_access('bypass edit limit') && variable_get('edit_limit_comment_time_enabled', FALSE)) {
      $time_limit = $comment->timestamp + intval(variable_get('edit_limit_comment_time', EDIT_LIMIT_COMMENT_TIME));

      // If too much time has passed, destroy the link.
      if ($time_limit < time()) {
      else {

        // Add the javascript that will handle the countdown.
        drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'edit_limit') . '/edit_limit.js');

        // Modify the link to add the remaining seconds (only users that can't pass 'bypass edit limit' get this far).
        $links['comment_edit']['title'] .= ' (' . ($time_limit - time()) . ' seconds left)';