public function ClassifiedBasicTest::test1525392 in Classified Ads 6.3
- tests/
classified_basic.test, line 574 - Basic test for known bugs in previous versions.
public function test1525392() {
$this->group = __FUNCTION__;
$types = array_keys(classified_node_info());
$type = reset($types);
// Get the Classified vocabulary id
$vid = _classified_get('vid');
// Create a term in it, do not assign a specific lifetime.
$term_name = $this
->randomName(4) . " ' " . $this
$term = array(
'name' => $term_name,
'description' => $this
'vid' => $vid,
$status = taxonomy_save_term($term);
$tid = $term['tid'];
->assertEqual($status, SAVED_NEW, t('Term @tid created in default vocabulary.', array(
'@tid' => $tid,
)), 'setup');
// Create a term below the first one, do not assign a specific lifetime.
$child_term_name = $this
->randomName(4) . " ' " . $this
$child_term = array(
'name' => $child_term_name,
'description' => $this
'vid' => $vid,
'parent' => $tid,
$status = taxonomy_save_term($child_term);
$child_tid = $child_term['tid'];
->assertEqual($status, SAVED_NEW, t('Term @child_tid created below @tid in default vocabulary.', array(
'@child_tid' => $child_tid,
'@tid' => $tid,
)), 'setup');
// Create two ads in the child category.
// Create a node bearing that term.
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
$title = $this
->randomName(4) . ' ' . $this
module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
$body = $this
->randomName(4) . ' ' . $this
$settings = array(
'type' => $type,
'format' => $format,
'taxonomy' => array(
$vid => $child_tid,
'title' => $title,
'body' => $body,
'uid' => $this->creatorUser->uid,
$node = $this
$xpath = '//table[contains(@class, "classified-term-list")]/caption/text()';
$fields = $this
if ($fields) {
if (count($fields) > 1) {
->fail(t('More than one total ads count (@count) found on page.', array(
'@count' => count($field),
)), $this->group);
$text = dom_import_simplexml(reset($fields))->textContent;
$sts = preg_match('/^2[\\s\\w]+\\./', $text, $matches);
->assertEqual(1, $sts, t('Total ads count is 2 (@count).'), $this->group);
else {
->fail(t('Ads total count not found on page.'), $this->group);