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function _classified_get in Classified Ads 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 classified.module \_classified_get()

A simplified alternative to variable_get().

Prepends the name of the module and a dash, and automatically obtains the default value if needed, as expected for D8.


string $name: The name of the variable to return.

Return value

mixed The value of the variable.

32 calls to _classified_get()
ClassifiedAbstractTest::createNode in tests/classified_basic.test
Build a node from settings, providing classified-specific defaults.
ClassifiedBasicTest::test0123396 in tests/classified_basic.test
Bug 123396: Unchecking 'Publish' checkbox doesn't prevent nodes from being published.
ClassifiedBasicTest::test1287674 in tests/classified_basic.test
Bug 1287674
ClassifiedBasicTest::test1397422 in tests/classified_basic.test
Bug 1397422
ClassifiedBasicTest::test1432606 in tests/classified_basic.test
Bug 1432606: Ads can be viewed when not published.

... See full list


./classified.module, line 188
A pure D6 classified ads module inspired by the ed_classified module.


function _classified_get($name) {
  $vars = _classified_get_vars();
  $name = 'classified-' . $name;
  return variable_get($name, $vars[$name]);