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11 calls to _edi_l() in Classified Ads 5.2

ed_classified_admin_overview in ./ed_classified.module
Present admin options.
ed_classified_page in ./ed_classified.module
Display a page of classified ads, as appropriate. Lifted from image_gallery module. Shameless.
ed_classified_view in ./ed_classified.module
Implementation of hook_view().
theme_ed_classified_ads_block in ./
Theme an ads block
theme_ed_classified_category_list_ad_row in ./
theme_ed_classified_category_list_row in ./
theme_ed_classified_category_name in ./
theme_ed_classified_taxonomy in ./
Theme a classified ads taxonomy browser page
_ed_classified_check_settings in ./
do the sanity-check dance.
_ed_classified_form_submit in ./ed_classified.module
Implementation of form submission handler
_ed_classified_unpublish_ad in ./
Unpublish a node (Partially) lifted from spam module (jeremy [at]