You are here in Classified Ads 5.2

$ Simple text-based classified ads module. Michael Curry, Exodus Development, Inc. for more information, please visit Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Exodus Development, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2. Please see LICENSE.txt for license terms. Possession and use of this code signifies acceptance of license terms.

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$ @file
* Simple text-based classified ads module.
* Michael Curry, Exodus Development, Inc.
* for more information, please visit
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Exodus Development, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. 
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2.  Please see LICENSE.txt for
* license terms.  Possession and use of this code signifies acceptance of license
* terms.

 * Drupal 6 onwards hook_theme() registration function
function ed_classified_theme() {
  return array(
    'ed_classified_body' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
    'ed_classified_teaser' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
    'ed_classified_ending_date' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
    'ed_classified_ads_block' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'display_timestamp' => TRUE,
        'display_counter' => FALSE,
        'display_ad_category' => FALSE,
    'ed_classified_taxonomy' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'cats' => NULL,
        'ads' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_adcount' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'count' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_taxonomy_catlist' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'cats' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_category_list_row' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'cat' => NULL,
        'row_count' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_taxonomy_ads' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'ads' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_category_list_ad_row' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'ad' => NULL,
        'rowcount' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_category_name' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'cat' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_category_description' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'cat' => NULL,
    'ed_classified_ads_stats' => array(),

 * Theme an ads block
function theme_ed_classified_ads_block($ads, $display_timestamp = TRUE, $display_counter = FALSE, $display_ad_category = FALSE) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ed_classified', 'ed_classified_utils');

  //    var_dump($ads);
  $content = '';
  foreach ($ads as $x) {
    $content .= '<li class="classified-ad-item">' . _edi_l($x->title, drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $x->nid), array(
      'attributes' => array(
        'title' => check_markup($x->teaser),
    if ($display_ad_category) {
      $term = _ed_classified_get_primary_category($x);
      if ($term) {
        $content .= ' <span class=\'classified-block-ad-term\'>' . _edi_l("({$term->name})", _ed_classified_make_category_path($term->tid)) . '</span>';

        // TODO: themeable function
    if ($display_timestamp) {
      $content .= ' <span class=\'classified-block-ad-age\'>(' . format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $x->timestamp, 2) . t(' ago') . ') </span>';
    if ($display_counter) {
      $content .= ' <span class=\'classified-block-ad-count\'>(' . $x->counter . ') </span>';
    if (node_last_viewed($x->nid) < $x->changed) {
      $content .= theme_mark();
    $content .= '</li>';
  if (!empty($content)) {
    $content = '<div class="classified-ad-block item-list"><ul>' . $content;
    $content .= '</ul></div>';
  return $content;

 * Theme a classified ads taxonomy browser page
function theme_ed_classified_taxonomy($cats, $ads) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ed_classified', 'ed_classified_utils');
  $content = '';
  if (user_access('create classified ads')) {
    $content .= '<div class="classified-category-link-add">' . _edi_l(t('Create a new ad'), drupal_get_path_alias("node/add/" . EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME)) . "</div>\n";
  if (count($cats)) {
    $content .= theme('ed_classified_taxonomy_catlist', $cats);
  if (count($ads)) {
    $content .= theme('ed_classified_taxonomy_ads', $ads);
  if ($pager = theme('pager', NULL, _ed_classified_variable_get('ads_per_page', 10), 0)) {
    $content .= $pager;
  if (count($ads) + count($cats) == 0) {
    $content .= theme('ed_classified_category_adcount', 0);
  return $content;
function theme_ed_classified_category_adcount($count) {
  return '<p class="classified-count">' . format_plural($count, 'There is @count ad in this category', 'There are @count ads in this category') . "</p>\n";
function theme_ed_classified_taxonomy_catlist($cats) {
  $content = '';
  $row_count = 0;
  $content .= '<ul class="classified-category-list">';
  foreach ($cats as $cat) {
    $content .= theme('ed_classified_category_list_row', $cat, $row_count);
  $content .= "</ul>\n";
  return $content;
function theme_ed_classified_category_list_row($cat, $row_count) {
  $content = '';
  $row_style = $row_count % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd';
  $content .= "<li class ='{$row_style}' >";

  // 'preview' (was thumbnail of latest image)
  //      if ($cat->count)
  //        $content.= l('foo', _ed_classified_make_category_path($cat->tid), array('html' => TRUE));
  $content .= theme('ed_classified_category_name', $cat);

  // Removed the description from below the name, instead it is integrated with the name
  // (i.e. it appears as a title in there)

  //if(trim($cat->description) != '') {

  //  $content .= theme('ed_classified_category_description', $cat);


  // TODO: get preview list
  if ($cat->latest) {
    $content .= '<div class=\'title\'>' . t('Latest ad: ') . _edi_l($cat->latest->title, drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $cat->latest->nid)) . '</div>';
    $content .= '<div class=\'created\'>' . t('Created on ') . format_date($cat->latest->created) . ' (' . format_interval(REQUEST_TIME - $cat->latest->created) . t(' ago') . ')</div>';
  $content .= '<div class="status">';
  $content .= theme('ed_classified_category_adcount', $cat->count);
  if ($cat->latest->changed) {
    $content .= t('  Last updated: !date', array(
      '!date' => format_date($cat->latest->changed),
  $content .= "</div>\n";

  // class="status"
  $content .= "</li>\n";
  return $content;
function theme_ed_classified_taxonomy_ads($ads) {
  $content .= '<ul class="classified-ad-list">';
  $rowcount = 0;
  foreach ($ads as $ad) {
    $content .= theme('ed_classified_category_list_ad_row', $ad, $rowcount);
  $content .= "</ul>\n";
  return $content;
function theme_ed_classified_category_list_ad_row($ad, $rowcount) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ed_classified', 'ed_classified_utils');
  $content .= '<li';
  if ($ad->sticky) {
    $content .= ' class="sticky"';
  $content .= ">\n";
  $content .= '<h3>' . _edi_l($ad->title, drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $ad->nid), array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => 'Description here!',
  )) . "</h3>";
  if (_ed_classified_variable_get('show_body_in_ad_list', EDI_CLASSIFIED_VAR_DEF_SHOW_BODY_IN_AD_LIST)) {
    $content .= '<div class=\'classified-description\'>' . check_markup($ad->body, $ad->format, FALSE) . '</div>';
    if (theme_get_setting('toggle_node_info_' . $ad->type)) {
      $content .= '<div class="classified-author">' . t('Posted by: !name', array(
        '!name' => theme('username', $ad),
      )) . "</div>\n";
      if ($ad->created > 0) {
        $content .= '<div class="classified-date">' . t('Created on ') . format_date($ad->created) . "</div>\n";
      $expires = ed_classified_get_ad_expiration($ad);
      if ($expires > 0) {
        $content .= '<div class="classified-date">' . theme('ed_classified_ending_date', $expires) . "</div>\n";
  $content .= "</li>\n";
  return $content;
function theme_ed_classified_category_name($cat) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ed_classified', 'ed_classified_utils');
  return '<div class=\'classified-cat-name\'>' . _edi_l($cat->name, _ed_classified_make_category_path($cat->tid), array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => $cat->description,
  )) . "</div>\n";
function theme_ed_classified_category_description($cat) {
  return '<div class="classified-description">' . check_plain($cat->description) . "</div>\n";
function theme_ed_classified_ads_stats() {
  $content = '';
  $today = ed_classified_get_adcount_for_time_range(REQUEST_TIME - 86400, REQUEST_TIME, TRUE);

  // 86400 = # seconds in a day
  $total = ed_classified_get_adcount(TRUE);
  if ($today > 0 || $total > 0) {
    $stats = array(
      '!adcount' => $total,
      '!ads_today' => $today,
    $content = '<div class="classified-ad-block item-list"><ul>';
    $content .= '<li>' . t('!adcount ads total.', $stats) . '</li>';

    // todo: format_plural()
    $content .= '<li>' . t('!ads_today ads in last 24 hours.', $stats) . '</li>';

    // todo: format_plural()
    $content .= '</ul></div>';
  return $content;
function theme_ed_classified_teaser($node) {
  return '<div class=\'classified-teaser\'>' . check_markup($node->teaser, $node->format, FALSE) . '</div><br/>' . theme('ed_classified_ending_date', $node->expires_on);
function theme_ed_classified_body($node) {
  return '<div class=\'classified-body\'>' . check_markup($node->body, $node->format, FALSE) . '</div><br/>' . theme('ed_classified_ending_date', $node->expires_on);

 * Get a formatted div with a readable, friendly ad expiration date.
function theme_ed_classified_ending_date($ad_expiration_date) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ed_classified', 'ed_classified_utils');
  $class = 'classified-expiration-info';

  // standard expiration formatting
  $str = _ed_classified_get_ending_date_string($ad_expiration_date);

  // set style for ending soon
  if (_ed_classified_ad_expires_soon($ad_expiration_date)) {
    $class = 'classified-expiration-expires_soon';

    // TODO: crappy name, fix this
  if (_ed_classified_ad_expired_already($ad_expiration_date)) {
    $class = 'classified-expiration-expired';

    // TODO: crappy name, fix this
  return "<span class='{$class}'>" . $str . '</span>';