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constant EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME in Classified Ads 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 ed_classified.module \EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME
  2. 5 ed_classified.module \EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME
  3. 7.2 ed_classified.module \EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME

Set EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME to override the URL path component for classified ads. For example, if you know that you won't collide with other module node types, you could use 'classified' or 'classified-ads' or whatever you want

Drupal 5.x node.module seems to dislike underscores in node types.. sigh. Do not use underscores here or you will see strange side effects.

Also, Drupal 5 and 6 seem to require that you use a string matching the module name. More work to be done here. Looks like you can create a URL alias from the value of EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME => ed-classified (or ed_classified) and then the system will work. So, perhaps we can auto-generate a path alias from the currrent value of EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME -> ed-classified.

Also note: you must clear the menu caches in order to see this change take effect post-install.

ed_classified_admin_overview in ./ed_classified.module
Present admin options.
ed_classified_page in ./ed_classified.module
Display a page of classified ads, as appropriate.
ed_classified_view in ./ed_classified.module
Implements hook_view().
theme_ed_classified_taxonomy in ./
Theme a classified ads taxonomy browser page
_ed_classified_make_category_path in ./
Make a 'path' to a category view for a given tid.

... See full list


./ed_classified.module, line 72
Simple text-based classified ads module.


define('EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME', 'ed-classified');