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function classified_help in Classified Ads 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 classified.module \classified_help()

Implements hook_help().


./classified.module, line 1168
A pure D7 classified ads module inspired by the ed_classified module.


function classified_help($section, $arg) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/help#classified':
      $ret = t('<p>The Classified Ads modules allows users to create ads with an automatic expiration period.</p><p>If the optional classified_notifications module is enabled, warnings will be send at various points in the ad lifetime:</p><ul><li>when they reach half their scheduled lifetime</li><li>one day before they expire</li><li>upon their expiration</li><li>one day before they are deleted</li><li>and upon their deletion.</li></ul>') . t('<p>This module is interfaced with CCK and Views: it exposes a specific build mode, enabling node-based Views to look like those provided by the module itself by using the "Ad list" build mode in node style; and it exposes the ad expiration date.</p>') . t('<p>If you install the Advanced Help module, you will find a good deal of additional help, notably about theming, use of the Classified Ads API, and integration of Classified Ads with other modules like Context, Panels, Token, and Views');
    case 'admin/content/node-type/classified/display/classified':
      $ret = t('<p>This build mode appears as "Ad list" when building node Views in "node" style.</p>');
      $ret = NULL;
  return $ret;