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function eck_example_install in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 examples/eck_example.install \eck_example_install()

Implements hook_install().


examples/eck_example.install, line 11
Install and configure and entity type. Then uninstal it.


function eck_example_install() {

  // To create a new Entity Type simple create an object of the Entity Type
  // class.
  $entity_type = new EntityType();

  // An entity type is composed of 3 things: name, lable, and properties. The
  // name is a the machine name (letters, numbers, and underscores only, no
  // spaces). The label is the human readable name and it is used mainly for GUI
  // displays.
  $entity_type->name = "eck_employee";
  $entity_type->label = "Employee";

  // By default our entity types come with 2 properties, an id, and a type. This
  // means that any entity of this type that is created (and since it is
  // deafult, any entity creted to eck at all), will have an id and an type
  // properties. The id is a unique to this type numerical identifier. The type
  // property is used to store the bundle of the entity.
  // We can easily add new properties to an entity type by using the addProperty
  // method.
    ->addProperty('name', 'Name', 'text');

  // If you look at the method in, you will notice that it takes
  // 3 arguments and 1 optional argument. The required arguments are 'name',
  // 'label', and 'type'. The name an the lable serve the same function that
  // name and label serve as part of the entity type. The type argument defines
  // the type of data that we can store in that property.
  // SUPPORTED TYPES: 'text', 'integer', 'decimal', 'positive_integer', 'uuid'
  // If you want more information on how what this types look like in terms of
  // their schema, you can look at the function eck_property_type_schema() in
  // @todo: Allow users to define new types.
  // The last argument is a behavior.
  // After all of the properties we want have been added, we simply need to save
  // the property.