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function eck_property_info_widget_types in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7.3

Returns information of property widgets from hook_eck_property_widget_info.


string $widget_type: (optional) A widget type name. If omitted, all widget types will be returned.

bool $reset: Forces rebuild of the property widget cache.

Return value

array Either a single widget type description, as provided by hook_eck_property_widget_info(), or an array of all existing widget types, keyed by widget type name.

8 calls to eck_property_info_widget_types()
eck_flush_caches in ./eck.module
Implements hook_flush_caches().
eck_form_field_ui_field_overview_form_alter in ./eck.module
Adds a manage properties section.
eck_form_field_ui_field_overview_form_submit in ./eck.module
Form submission handler for ECK's additions to field_ui_field_overview_form.
eck_property_widget_type_options in ./eck.module
Returns an array of widget type options for an ECK property type.
eck__entity__form in ./
Sets up an entities form.

... See full list


./eck.module, line 655


function eck_property_info_widget_types($widget_type = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  global $language;
  static $widget_types;

  // The _info() hooks invoked below include translated strings, so each
  // language is cached separately.
  $langcode = $language->language;
  if ($reset) {
    $widget_types = NULL;

    // Clear all languages.
    cache_clear_all('property_widget_types:', 'cache_eck', TRUE);
  if (!isset($widget_types)) {
    if ($cached = cache_get("property_widget_types:{$langcode}", 'cache_eck')) {
      $widget_types = $cached->data;
    else {
      $widget_types = array();

      // Populate property widget types.
      foreach (module_implements('eck_property_widget_info') as $module) {
        $module_widget_types = (array) module_invoke($module, 'eck_property_widget_info');
        foreach ($module_widget_types as $name => $widget_info) {

          // Provide defaults.
          $widget_info += array(
            'type' => $name,
            'label' => t("@name", array(
              '@name' => $name,
            'settings' => array(),
            'property types' => array(),
            'file' => FALSE,
            'file type' => 'inc',
            'description' => '',
            'value callback' => '',
          $widget_types[$name] = $widget_info;
          $widget_types[$name]['module'] = $module;
      drupal_alter('eck_property_widget_info', $widget_types);
      uasort($widget_types, 'drupal_sort_weight');
      cache_set("property_widget_types:{$langcode}", $widget_types, 'cache_eck');
  if (isset($widget_type) && isset($widget_types[$widget_type])) {
    return $widget_types[$widget_type];
  return $widget_types;