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function easy_breadcrumb_init in Easy Breadcrumb 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 easy_breadcrumb.module \easy_breadcrumb_init()
  2. 7 easy_breadcrumb.module \easy_breadcrumb_init()

Implements hook_init().


./easy_breadcrumb.module, line 30
The Easy Breadcrumb module provides a block to be embedded in any page.


function easy_breadcrumb_init() {
  global $theme;
  $site_theme = variable_get('theme_default', 'bartik');
  $admin_theme = variable_get('admin_theme', 'seven');

  // Disable Admin theme breadcrumb, but only if different to site theme.
  if ($theme === $admin_theme && $site_theme !== $admin_theme) {
    $disable_admin_breadcrumb = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_DISABLE_ADMIN_BREADCRUMB, FALSE);
    if ($disable_admin_breadcrumb) {

      // Set the Drupal's default breadcrumb as an empty array to disable it.
  else {
    $disable_drupal_default_breadcrumb = variable_get(EasyBreadcrumbConstants::DB_VAR_DISABLE_DEFAULT_DRUPAL_BREADCRUMB, TRUE);
    if ($disable_drupal_default_breadcrumb) {

      // Set the Drupal's default breadcrumb as an empty array to disable it.