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Files in Dynamic Background 7.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description includes/ Implementation of the administration image upload and selecton form.
dynamic_background.admin.css css/dynamic_background.admin.css #dynamic-background-admin-images .form-type-background-upload-form { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F8F8F8; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; clear: both; overflow: auto; padding: 10px; } #dynamic-background-admin-images .form-item-labeled { …
dynamic_background.admin.css modules/dynamic_background_views/css/dynamic_background.admin.css .dynamic-background-picture { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-left: 22px; min-height: 105px; margin-top: 10px; } .dynamic-background-picture img { display: block; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 4px; }
dynamic_background.api.php dynamic_background.api.php Hooks provided by the dynamic background module. name = Dynamic background description = Enables administrators to upload images, which are used as background on the site. package = Dynamic background core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_background.module files[] = includes/ files[] =…
dynamic_background.install dynamic_background.install Installation file for dynamic background, currently only the uninstall function is present.
dynamic_background.module dynamic_background.module This module enables administrators to upload images used as background on the site. The selected background image link is exposed as either $background in the page.tpl file or as /background.css.
dynamic_background.theme.css css/dynamic_background.theme.css .dynamic-background-picture { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-left: 22px; min-height: 105px; } .dynamic-background-picture img { display: block; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 4px; } #edit-dynamic-background… modules/dynamic_background_blog/ name = Dynamic background blog description = Allows users to select uploaded backgrounds for user blog(s). package = Dynamic background core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_background_blog.module dependencies[] = dynamic_background dependencies[] = blog
dynamic_background_blog.install modules/dynamic_background_blog/dynamic_background_blog.install Installs the database scheme and handles install and uninstall of the module.
dynamic_background_blog.module modules/dynamic_background_blog/dynamic_background_blog.module This module provides the user blog's with the option to use different dynamic background images for each blog. modules/dynamic_background_context/ name = Dynamic background context description = Set different backgrounds based on a given context package = Dynamic background core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_background_context.module files[] =…
dynamic_background_context.install modules/dynamic_background_context/dynamic_background_context.install Installation and update functions for this module.
dynamic_background_context.module modules/dynamic_background_context/dynamic_background_context.module modules/dynamic_background_context/plugins/ Implements a new context reaction that can be used to set dynamic background images based on context. modules/dynamic_background_inherit/ name = Dynamic background: Inherit description = The background image for a given page will be inherited from its parent page (by path). package = Dynamic background core = 7.x dependencies[] = dynamic_background dependencies[] = dynamic_background_node
dynamic_background_inherit.install modules/dynamic_background_inherit/dynamic_background_inherit.install Schema, installation and update hooks for Dynamic Background Inherit.
dynamic_background_inherit.module modules/dynamic_background_inherit/dynamic_background_inherit.module Primary hook implementations for Dynamic Background Inherit.
dynamic_background_node.admin.css modules/dynamic_background_node/css/dynamic_background_node.admin.css #edit-dynamic-background .dynamic-background-picture { clear: both; min-height: 105px; margin-bottom: 10px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; border-color: #CCCCCC #DDDDDD #EEEEEE; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; … modules/dynamic_background_node/ name = Dynamic background node description = Allows users to select uploaded backgrounds for nodes (different backgrounds). package = Dynamic background core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_background_node.module dependencies[] = dynamic_background
dynamic_background_node.install modules/dynamic_background_node/dynamic_background_node.install Installes the database scheme and handles install and uninstall of the module.
dynamic_background_node.module modules/dynamic_background_node/dynamic_background_node.module This module provides the node administrations with the option to use different dynamic background images for each node.
dynamic_background_panels.admin.css modules/dynamic_background_panels/css/dynamic_background_panels.admin.css .page-manager-wrapper .dynamic-background-picture { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-left: 22px; } #edit-dynamic-background .fieldset-description { margin-bottom: 20px; } modules/dynamic_background_panels/ name = Dynamic background panels description = Enables the use of dynamic backgrounds on panels (different backgrounds). package = Dynamic background core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_background_panels.module dependencies[] =…
dynamic_background_panels.install modules/dynamic_background_panels/dynamic_background_panels.install Handles uninstall of the module.
dynamic_background_panels.module modules/dynamic_background_panels/dynamic_background_panels.module Alters the panels variant "General" form to enable users to select a dynamic background image any given panel variant. modules/dynamic_background_user/ name = Dynamic background user description = Gives users the option to select a dynamic background image as their background image. package = Dynamic background core = 7.x files[] = dynamic_background_user.module dependencies[] = dynamic_background
dynamic_background_user.install modules/dynamic_background_user/dynamic_background_user.install Installes the database scheme and handles install and uninstall of the module.
dynamic_background_user.module modules/dynamic_background_user/dynamic_background_user.module This module provides user with the option to select a dynamic background image for each user.
dynamic_background_user_upload.theme.css css/dynamic_background_user_upload.theme.css #edit-dynamic-background-picture-upload .background-upload-form { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 100%; } #edit-dynamic-background-picture-upload .background-upload-form div { display:… modules/dynamic_background_views/ name = Dynamic background views description = Enable views to use dynamic background image for each display. package = Dynamic background core = 7.x version = 7.x-1.6-beta2 files[] = dynamic_background_user.module files[] =…
dynamic_background_views.install modules/dynamic_background_views/dynamic_background_views.install Installes the database scheme and handles install and uninstall of the module.
dynamic_background_views.module modules/dynamic_background_views/dynamic_background_views.module This module implements the views extension for dynamic background. modules/dynamic_background_views/views/ Defines a new views display type that is allowed to use images from dynamic background.
README.txt README.txt Dynamic background ------------------ Enables site administrators to upload a range of images and select one as background on the site. This enables non HTML/CSS aware administrators to quickly change the background image on a site from within the… includes/ The functions here is used to create an new form element (background_upload_form), which can be used to upload images. It also gives the possibility to flag a image for deletion or active background image.
views-view.tpl.php modules/dynamic_background_views/views-view.tpl.php views-view.tpl.php Main view template modules/dynamic_background_views/views/plugins/ Contains the dynamic background views page display plugin, which is an extension of the std. view page display. includes/ Handles the re-ordering of dynamic background extension weights to determine override order.

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