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class views_plugin_ds_entity_view in Display Suite 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 views/ \views_plugin_ds_entity_view

Plugin which defines the view mode on the resulting entity object.


Expanded class hierarchy of views_plugin_ds_entity_view

1 string reference to 'views_plugin_ds_entity_view'
ds_views_plugins in ./
Implements hook_views_plugins().


views/, line 11
Provides the Display suite views entity style plugin.

View source
class views_plugin_ds_entity_view extends views_plugin_row {
  function init(&$view, &$display, $options = NULL) {
    parent::init($view, $display, $options);
    $this->base_table = $view->base_table;

    // Special case for apachesolr_views.
    if ($this->base_table == 'apachesolr') {
      $this->base_table = 'node';
    $this->base_field = $this

  // Return base_field based on base_table. It might not be
  // the cleanest solution, it's the fastest though.
  function ds_views_3_support() {
    $base_table_fields = array(
      'node' => 'nid',
      'comment' => 'cid',
      'users' => 'uid',
      'apachesolr' => 'nid',
      'taxonomy_term_data' => 'tid',
      'file_managed' => 'fid',
      'micro' => 'mid',
    return isset($base_table_fields[$this->base_table]) ? $base_table_fields[$this->base_table] : 'nid';
  function option_definition() {
    $options = parent::option_definition();
    $options['view_mode'] = array(
      'default' => 'teaser',
    $options['load_comments'] = array(
      'default' => FALSE,
    $options['alternating'] = array(
      'default' => FALSE,
    $options['changing'] = array(
      'default' => FALSE,
    $options['grouping'] = array(
      'default' => FALSE,
    $options['advanced'] = array(
      'default' => FALSE,
    $options['grouping_fieldset'] = array(
      'contains' => array(
        'grouping' => array(
          'default' => FALSE,
          'bool' => TRUE,
        'group_field' => array(
          'default' => '',
        'group_field_function' => array(
          'default' => '',
    $options['default_fieldset'] = array(
      'contains' => array(
        'view_mode' => array(
          'default' => '',
    $options['alternating_fieldset'] = array(
      'contains' => array(
        'alternating' => array(
          'default' => FALSE,
          'bool' => TRUE,
        'allpages' => array(
          'default' => FALSE,
          'bool' => TRUE,
        'item' => array(
          'default' => array(),
          'export' => 'ds_item_export_option',
    $options['advanced_fieldset'] = array(
      'contains' => array(
        'advanced' => array(
          'default' => FALSE,
          'bool' => TRUE,
    return $options;

   * Custom export function for alternating_fieldset items.
  function ds_item_export_option($indent, $prefix, $storage, $option, $definition, $parents) {
    $output = '';
    $definition = array(
      'default' => 'teaser',
    foreach ($storage as $key => $value) {
      if (strstr($key, 'item_') !== FALSE) {
        $output .= parent::export_option($indent, $prefix, $storage, $key, $definition, $parents);
    return $output;
  function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
    $view_mode_options = array();
    $entity_type = $this->view->base_table;

    // In case we're working with users or managed files, change the entity type variable.
    if ($entity_type == 'users') {
      $entity_type = 'user';
    if ($entity_type == 'file_managed') {
      $entity_type = 'file';
    $entity_view_modes = ds_entity_view_modes($entity_type);
    foreach ($entity_view_modes as $key => $view_mode) {
      $view_mode_options[$key] = $view_mode['label'];

    // Default view mode & load comments.
    $form['default_fieldset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Default view mode'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => $this->options['advanced'],
    $form['default_fieldset']['view_mode'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => $this->options['view_mode'],
      '#options' => $view_mode_options,
      '#description' => t('Select the default view mode for this view.'),
    if ($entity_type == 'node') {
      $form['default_fieldset']['load_comments'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Comments'),
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#description' => t('Load comments for every node to display.'),
        '#default_value' => isset($this->options['load_comments']) ? $this->options['load_comments'] : FALSE,
        '#access' => module_exists('comment'),

    // Changing view modes.
    $form['alternating_fieldset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Alternating view mode'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => !$this->options['alternating'],
    $form['alternating_fieldset']['alternating'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Use the changing view mode selector'),
      '#default_value' => $this->options['alternating'],
    $form['alternating_fieldset']['allpages'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Use this configuration on every page. Otherwhise the default view mode is used as soon you browse away from the first page of this view.'),
      '#default_value' => isset($this->options['alternating_fieldset']['allpages']) ? $this->options['alternating_fieldset']['allpages'] : FALSE,
    $limit = $this->view->display_handler
    $pager = $this->view->display_handler
    $limit = isset($pager->options['items_per_page']) ? $pager->options['items_per_page'] : 0;
    if ($limit == 0 || $limit > 20) {
      $form['alternating_fieldset']['disabled'] = array(
        '#markup' => t('This option is disabled because you have unlimited items or listing more than 20 items.'),
      $form['alternating_fieldset']['alternating']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $form['alternating_fieldset']['allpages']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    else {
      $i = 1;
      $a = 0;
      while ($limit != 0) {
        $form['alternating_fieldset']['item_' . $a] = array(
          '#title' => t('Item @nr', array(
            '@nr' => $i,
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#default_value' => isset($this->options['alternating_fieldset']['item_' . $a]) ? $this->options['alternating_fieldset']['item_' . $a] : 'teaser',
          '#options' => $view_mode_options,

    // Grouping rows.
    $sorts = $this->view->display_handler
    $groupable = !empty($sorts) && $this->options['grouping'];
    $form['grouping_fieldset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Group data'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => !$groupable,
    $form['grouping_fieldset']['grouping'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Group data on a field. The value of this field will be displayed too.'),
      '#default_value' => $groupable,
    if (!empty($sorts)) {
      $sort_options = array();
      foreach ($sorts as $key => $sort) {
        $sort_name = drupal_ucfirst($sort['field']);
        $sort_options[$sort['table'] . '|' . $sort['field']] = $sort_name;
      $form['grouping_fieldset']['group_field'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $sort_options,
        '#default_value' => isset($this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field']) ? $this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field'] : '',
      $form['grouping_fieldset']['group_field_function'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => 'Heading function',
        '#description' => check_plain(t('The value of the field can be in a very raw format (eg, date created). Enter a custom function which you can use to format that value. The value and the object will be passed into that function eg. custom_function($raw_value, $object);')),
        '#default_value' => isset($this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field_function']) ? $this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field_function'] : '',
    else {
      $form['grouping_fieldset']['grouping']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $form['grouping_fieldset']['grouping']['#description'] = t('Grouping is disabled because you do not have any sort fields.');

    // Advanced function.
    $form['advanced_fieldset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Advanced view mode'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => !$this->options['advanced'],
    $form['advanced_fieldset']['advanced'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Use the advanced view mode selector'),
      '#description' => t('This gives you the opportunity to have full control of a list for really advanced features.<br /> There is no UI for this, you need to create a function named like this: ds_views_row_adv_@VIEWSNAME($entity, $view_mode, $load_comments).<br />See <a href=""></a> for an example.', array(
        '@VIEWSNAME' => $this->view->name,
      '#default_value' => $this->options['advanced'],

   * Validate view mode type selector.
  function options_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
    if (($form_state['values']['row_options']['alternating_fieldset']['alternating'] || $form_state['values']['row_options']['grouping_fieldset']['grouping']) && $form_state['values']['row_options']['advanced_fieldset']['advanced']) {
      form_set_error('advanced', t('You can not have changing/grouping and advanced enabled at the same time'));

   * Reset all fieldsets except for changing.
  function options_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
    $form_state['values']['row_options']['load_comments'] = $form_state['values']['row_options']['default_fieldset']['load_comments'];
    $form_state['values']['row_options']['view_mode'] = $form_state['values']['row_options']['default_fieldset']['view_mode'];
    $form_state['values']['row_options']['alternating'] = $form_state['values']['row_options']['alternating_fieldset']['alternating'];
    $form_state['values']['row_options']['grouping'] = $form_state['values']['row_options']['grouping_fieldset']['grouping'];
    $form_state['values']['row_options']['advanced'] = $form_state['values']['row_options']['advanced_fieldset']['advanced'];

   * Preload all entities.
  function pre_render($values) {
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($values as $row) {
      $ids[] = $row->{$this->field_alias};
    switch ($this->base_table) {
      case 'node':
        $this->entities = node_load_multiple($ids);
      case 'comment':
        $this->entities = comment_load_multiple($ids);
      case 'users':
        $this->entities = user_load_multiple($ids);
      case 'taxonomy_term_data':
        $this->entities = taxonomy_term_load_multiple($ids);
        if (function_exists('i18n_taxonomy_localize_terms')) {
          global $language;
          foreach ($this->entities as $index => &$entity) {
            $entity = i18n_taxonomy_localize_terms($entity, $language->language);
      case 'file_managed':
        $this->entities = file_load_multiple($ids);
      case 'micro':
        $this->entities = entity_load($this->base_table, $ids);

   * Render each $row.
  function render($row) {

    // Set a variable to indicate if comments need to be loaded or not.
    $load_comments = isset($this->options['load_comments']) ? $this->options['load_comments'] : FALSE;

    // The advanced selector searches for a function called
    // ds_views_row_adv_VIEWSNAME. Return the row immediately.
    if ($this->options['advanced']) {
      $row_function = 'ds_views_row_adv_' . $this->view->name;
      if (function_exists($row_function)) {
        return $row_function($this->entities[$row->{$this->field_alias}], $this->options['view_mode'], $load_comments);

    // Keep a static group array.
    static $grouping = array();
    $view_name = $this->view->name . '_' . $this->view->current_display;
    $group_value_content = '';

    // Default view mode.
    $view_mode = $this->options['view_mode'];

    // Change the view mode per row.
    if ($this->options['alternating']) {

      // Check for paging to determine the view mode.
      if (isset($_GET['page']) && isset($this->options['alternating_fieldset']['allpages']) && !$this->options['alternating_fieldset']['allpages']) {
        $view_mode = $this->options['view_mode'];
      else {
        $view_mode = isset($this->options['alternating_fieldset']['item_' . $this->view->row_index]) ? $this->options['alternating_fieldset']['item_' . $this->view->row_index] : $this->options['view_mode'];

    // Give modules a chance to alter the $view_mode. Use $view_mode by ref.
    $context = array(
      'entity' => $this->entities[$row->{$this->field_alias}],
      'view_name' => $this->view->name,
      'display' => $this->view->current_display,
    drupal_alter('ds_views_view_mode', $view_mode, $context);

    // Call the row render function.
    $content = $this
      ->ds_views_row_render_entity($view_mode, $row, $load_comments);

    // Keep a static grouping for this view.
    if ($this->options['grouping']) {
      $group_field = $this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field'];

      // New way of creating the alias.
      if (strpos($group_field, '|') !== FALSE) {
        list($ftable, $ffield) = explode('|', $group_field);
        $group_field = $this->view->sort[$ffield]->table_alias . '_' . $this->view->sort[$ffield]->real_field;

      // Note, the keys in the $row object are cut of at 60 chars.
      // see
      if (drupal_strlen($group_field) > 60) {
        $group_field = drupal_substr($group_field, 0, 60);
      $raw_group_value = isset($row->{$group_field}) ? $row->{$group_field} : '';
      if (!isset($grouping[$view_name][$raw_group_value])) {
        $group_value = $raw_group_value;

        // Special function to format the heading value.
        if (!empty($this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field_function'])) {
          $function = $this->options['grouping_fieldset']['group_field_function'];
          if (function_exists($function)) {
            $group_value = $function($raw_group_value, $this->entities[$row->{$this->field_alias}]);
        $group_value_content = '<h2 class="grouping-title">' . $group_value . '</h2>';
        $grouping[$view_name][$raw_group_value] = $raw_group_value;

    // Grouping.
    if (!empty($grouping[$view_name])) {
      if (!empty($group_value_content)) {
        $content = $group_value_content . $content;
      $content = '<div class="grouping-content">' . $content . '</div>';

    // Return the content.
    return $content;

   * Render a discrete entity based with the selected view mode.
   * @param $view_mode
   *   The view mode which is set in the Views' options.
   * @param $row
   *   The current active row object being rendered.
   * @return $content
   *   An entity view rendered as HTML
  function ds_views_row_render_entity($view_mode, $row, $load_comments) {
    $row_function = 'ds_views_row_render_' . $this->base_table;
    $content = $row_function($this->entities[$row->{$this->field_alias}], $view_mode, $load_comments);
    return $content;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
views_object::$definition public property Handler's definition.
views_object::$options public property Except for displays, options for the object will be held here. 1
views_object::altered_option_definition function Collect this handler's option definition and alter them, ready for use.
views_object::construct public function Views handlers use a special construct function. 4
views_object::destroy public function Destructor. 2
views_object::export_option public function 1
views_object::export_options public function
views_object::export_option_always public function Always exports the option, regardless of the default value.
views_object::options Deprecated public function Set default options on this object. 1
views_object::set_default_options public function Set default options.
views_object::set_definition public function Let the handler know what its full definition is.
views_object::unpack_options public function Unpack options over our existing defaults, drilling down into arrays so that defaults don't get totally blown away.
views_object::unpack_translatable public function Unpack a single option definition.
views_object::unpack_translatables public function Unpacks each handler to store translatable texts.
views_object::_set_option_defaults public function
views_plugin::$display public property The current used views display.
views_plugin::$plugin_name public property The plugin name of this plugin, for example table or full.
views_plugin::$plugin_type public property The plugin type of this plugin, for example style or query.
views_plugin::$view public property The top object of a view. Overrides views_object::$view 1
views_plugin::additional_theme_functions public function Provide a list of additional theme functions for the theme info page.
views_plugin::plugin_title public function Return the human readable name of the display.
views_plugin::summary_title public function Returns the summary of the settings in the display. 8
views_plugin::theme_functions public function Provide a full list of possible theme templates used by this style.
views_plugin::validate public function Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. 3
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::ds_item_export_option function Custom export function for alternating_fieldset items.
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::ds_views_3_support function
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::ds_views_row_render_entity function Render a discrete entity based with the selected view mode.
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::init function Overrides views_plugin_row::init
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::options_form function Provide a form for setting options. Overrides views_plugin_row::options_form
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::options_submit function Reset all fieldsets except for changing. Overrides views_plugin_row::options_submit
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::options_validate function Validate view mode type selector. Overrides views_plugin_row::options_validate
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::option_definition function Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. Overrides views_plugin_row::option_definition
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::pre_render function Preload all entities. Overrides views_plugin_row::pre_render
views_plugin_ds_entity_view::render function Render each $row. Overrides views_plugin_row::render
views_plugin_row::query public function Add anything to the query that we might need to. Overrides views_plugin::query
views_plugin_row::uses_fields public function