You are here in Display Suite 6.3

Same filename in this branch
  1. 6.3 theme/
  2. 6.3 plugins/ds_field/
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6 theme/
  2. 6.2 theme/

Theming functions for ds.


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 * @file
 * Theming functions for ds.

 * Theme function to render the field content.
 * @param array $field Collection of field properties.
function theme_ds_field($field) {
  $output = '';
  if (!empty($field['content'])) {
    $output .= '<div class="field ' . $field['class'] . '">';

    // Above label.
    if ($field['labelformat'] == 'above') {
      $output .= '<div class="field-label">' . $field['title'] . ': </div>';

    // Inline label
    if ($field['labelformat'] == 'inline') {
      $output .= '<div class="field-label-inline-first">' . $field['title'] . ': </div>';
    $output .= $field['content'];
    $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme function to render the field content inline
 * This does not support "above" labels, for obvious reasons.
 * @param array $field Collection of field properties.
function theme_ds_field_inline($field) {
  $output = '';
  if (!empty($field['content'])) {
    $output .= '<div class="field field-inline ' . $field['class'] . '">';

    // Inline label
    if ($field['labelformat'] == 'inline') {
      $output .= '<div class="field-label-inline-first">' . $field['title'] . ': </div>';
    $output .= $field['content'];
    $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme function to render all regions with their content.
 * @param stdClass $vars
 *  Variables required to complete the display.
 * Other variables which you can use:
 *  - $region['count']: holds the number of fields per region.
function theme_ds_regions($vars) {
  $output = '<div' . $vars['attributes'] . '>';
  foreach ($vars['regions'] as $region) {
    $output .= $region['content'];
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme function to render an individual region with its content
 * @param stdClass $vars
 *  Variables required to complete the display.
 * @return
 *  A themed region.
function theme_ds_region($vars) {
  $output = '<div' . $vars['attributes'] . '>' . $vars['content'] . '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Evaluate custom code.
 * @param array $field The field with all its properties.
function theme_ds_eval_code($field) {
  if (isset($field['properties']['code'])) {
    $value = ds_eval($field['properties']['code'], $field['object']);

    // Token support - check on token property so we don't run every single field through token.
    if (module_exists('token') && isset($field['properties']['token']) && $field['properties']['token'] == TRUE) {
      $value = token_replace($value, $field['object_type'], $field['object']);
    return $value;

 * Evaluate block field.
 * @param array $field The field array.
function theme_ds_eval_block($field) {
  if (isset($field['properties'])) {
    list($module, $delta) = explode('|', $field['properties']['block']);
    $block = module_invoke($module, 'block', 'view', $delta);
    if (!empty($block)) {
      switch ($field['properties']['render']) {
        case DS_BLOCK_TEMPLATE:
          global $theme_key;
          if ($block['content']) {
            $block = (object) $block;
            $block->region = NULL;
            $block->module = $module;
            $block->delta = $delta;
            $block_title = db_result(db_query("SELECT title FROM {blocks} WHERE module = '%s' AND delta = '%s' AND theme = '%s'", $module, $delta, $theme_key));
            if (!empty($block_title)) {
              $block->subject = $block_title == '<none>' ? '' : check_plain($block_title);
            $content = theme('block', $block);
          $content = '<h2 class="block-title">' . $block['subject'] . '</h2>';
          $content .= $block['content'];
        case DS_BLOCK_CONTENT:
          $content = $block['content'];
      return $content;

 * Theme a collection of ds objects.
 * @param array $data A collection of data to print.
 * @param array $extra A collection data, ie context etc ..
function theme_ds_objects($data, $extra) {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    $output .= $value->content;
  return $output;

 * Theme a group (fieldset).
 * @param string $field The field to theme.
function theme_ds_group_fieldset($field) {
  $add_js = FALSE;
  $class = $field['class'];
  $variation = array_pop(explode('_', $field['theme']));
  switch ($variation) {
    case 'collapsible':
      $add_js = TRUE;
      $class .= ' collapsible';
    case 'collapsed':
      $add_js = TRUE;
      $class .= ' collapsible collapsed';

  // Add js.
  if ($add_js == TRUE) {

  // Set a legend if a field title exists
  $legend = NULL;
  if (!empty($field['title'])) {
    $legend = '<legend>' . $field['title'] . '</legend>';
  return '<fieldset class="group ' . $class . '">' . $legend . $field['content'] . '</fieldset>';

 * Theme a multigroup as a collection of simple objects
 * @param string $group 
 *  The multigroup to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_div($group) {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row) {
    $row_output = '';

    // Set a legend if a field title exists
    $output .= '<div class="' . $row['class'] . '">';
    if (!empty($row['title'])) {
      $row_output = theme('ds_subgroup_label', $row['title']);
    foreach ($row['fields'] as $field) {
      $class = !empty($field['class']) ? ' ' . $field['class'] : '';
      $row_output .= '<div class="field field-item ' . $field['key'] . $class . '">';

      // Above label.
      if ($field['labelformat'] == 'above') {
        $row_output .= '<div class="field-label">' . $field['title'] . ': </div>';
      elseif ($field['labelformat'] == 'inline') {
        $row_output .= '<div class="field-label-inline-first">' . $field['title'] . ': </div>';
      $row_output .= $field['view'] . '</div>';
    $output .= $row_output;
    $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme a multigroup as a collection of fieldsets.
 * @param string $group 
 *  The multigroup to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_fieldset($group) {
  $collapsible = FALSE;
  $class = NULL;
  $variation = array_pop(explode('_', $group['theme']));
  switch ($variation) {
    case 'collapsible':
      $collapsible = TRUE;
      $class = ' collapsible';
    case 'collapsed':
      $collapsible = TRUE;
      $class = ' collapsible collapsed';

  // Add js.
  if ($collapsible == TRUE) {

  // Build content by iterating over subgroups
  $content = '';
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row) {

    // Set a legend if a field title exists
    $legend = NULL;
    if (!empty($row['title']) || $collapsible == TRUE) {
      if (empty($row['title'])) {

        // @todo - what goes here when no value is present?
        $row['title'] = 'open/close';
      $legend = '<legend>' . $row['title'] . '</legend>';
    $content .= '<fieldset class="group ' . $row['class'] . $class . '">' . $legend . $row['content'] . '</fieldset>';
  return $content;

 * Theme a multigroup (fieldset).
 * @param string $group 
 *  The multigroup to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_table_simple($group) {
  $headers = array();
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row) {
    $items = array();
    foreach ($row['fields'] as $field) {
      $item = $field['view'];
      if (!empty($item)) {
        $items[] = $item;
    if (!empty($items)) {
      if (!empty($row['title'])) {
        array_unshift($items, '<label class="content-multigroup">' . $row['title'] . ':</label>');
      $rows[] = array(
        'data' => array(
          implode("\n", $items),
        'class' => $field['class'],
  return count($rows) ? theme('table', $headers, $rows) : '';

 * Theme a multigroup (fieldset).
 * @param string $field The field to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_table_multiple($group) {
  $headers = array();

  // Set up row labels from subgroup labels, if applicable
  $row_labels = array();
  $labels = FALSE;
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row_delta => $row) {
    if (isset($row['title'])) {
      $row_labels[$row_delta] = $row['title'];
      $labels = TRUE;
    else {
      $row_labels[$row_delta] = '';
  foreach ($group['fields'] as $field) {
    if (isset($labels) && $labels == TRUE) {
      $headers[0] = array(
        'data' => '',
        'class' => $field['class'] . ' ds-subgroup-label content-multigroup-cell-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name),
    $label_display = isset($field['labelformat']) ? $field['labelformat'] : 'above';
    $headers[] = array(
      'data' => $label_display != 'hidden' ? check_plain(t($field['title'])) : '',
      'class' => 'content-multigroup-cell-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name),

  // Prepare the data
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row_delta => $row) {
    $cells = array();
    $empty = TRUE;

    // Pick up subgroup labels
    if (isset($labels) && $labels == TRUE) {
      $cells[0] = array(
        'data' => $row_labels[$row_delta],
        'class' => $field['class'] . ' content-multigroup-cell-row-label',

    // Regular content
    foreach ($row['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
      $cells[] = array(
        'data' => $field['view'],
        'class' => $field['class'] . ' content-multigroup-cell-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name),
      if (!empty($field['view'])) {
        $empty = FALSE;

    // Get the row only if there is at least one non-empty field.
    if (!$empty) {
      $rows[] = $cells;
  return count($rows) ? theme('table', $headers, $rows) : '';

 * Theme a multigroup divided by horizontal lines
 * @param string $group The group to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_horizontal_line($group) {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row_delta => $row) {
    $divider = $row_delta > 0 ? '<hr class="content-multigroup" />' : '';
    $output .= '<div' . drupal_attributes(array(
      'class' => $row['class'],
    )) . '>' . $divider;
    if (!empty($row['title'])) {
      $output .= theme('ds_subgroup_label', $row['title']);
    $output .= $row['rendered'] . '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme a multigroup list.
 * @param string $group The group to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_list($group) {
  $variation = array_pop(explode('_', $group['theme']));
  switch ($variation) {
    case 'ol':
      $type = 'ol';
    case 'ul':
      $type = 'ul';
  $items = array();
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row) {
    if (!empty($row['rendered'])) {
      $items[] = $row['rendered'];
  $attr['class'] .= $row['class'];
  return count($items) ? theme('item_list', $items, NULL, $type, $attr) : '';

 * Theme a multigroup as a comma separated list
 * @param string $group 
 *  The multigroup to theme.
function theme_ds_multigroup_comma_separated($group) {
  $output = '';
  foreach ($group['rows'] as $row) {
    $row_output = '';

    // Set a legend if a field title exists
    $output .= '<div class="' . $row['class'] . '">';
    if (!empty($row['title'])) {
      $row_output = theme('ds_subgroup_label', $row['title']);
    $n = count($row['fields']);
    $count = 1;
    foreach ($row['fields'] as $field) {
      $class = !empty($field['class']) ? ' ' . $field['class'] : '';
      $row_output .= '<span class="field-item ' . $field['key'] . $class . '">';
      if ($field['labelformat'] == 'inline') {
        $row_output .= '<span class="field-label-inline-first">' . $field['title'] . ': </span>';
      $row_output .= $field['view'] . '</span>';
      if ($count != $n) {
        $row_output .= ', ';
    $output .= $row_output;
    $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme tabs. This is based on the theme_tabset() function
 * from the tabs module. We use our own theming function because
 * otherwhise we need to loop through our fields to build the
 * right array before we an send it to theme('tabset');
function theme_ds_tabs($field) {
  static $i = 1;
  $fields = $field['fields'];
  $tab_navigation = variable_get('tabs_navigation', 0) ? ' tabs-navigation' : '';
  $tabs_content = '';
  $output = '<div id="tabs-' . $field['name'] . '" class="drupal-tabs js-hide' . $tab_navigation . '" style="display:block;">';
  $tabs = '<ul class="clear-block ui-tabs-nav tabs">';
  foreach ($fields as $weight => $data) {
    $tabs .= '<li class="tabset-tab-' . $i . '">
    <a href="#tabset-tab-' . $i . '"><span class="tab">' . $data['title'] . '</span></a></li>';
    $tabs_content .= '<div id="tabset-tab-' . $i . '" class="tabs-' . $field['name'] . ' ui-tabs-panel ' . $data['class'] . '">' . $data['content'] . '</div>';
  $tabs .= '</ul>';
  $output .= $tabs;
  $output .= $tabs_content;
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme the subgroup label
function theme_ds_subgroup_label($label, $class = NULL) {
  $classes = 'content_multigroup';
  if (!empty($class)) {
    $classes = $classes . ' ' . $class;
  return '<legend class="' . $classes . '">' . $label . '</legend>';

 * Theme author name.
function theme_ds_author_nolink($field) {
  return $field['object']->name;

 * Theme author name linked.
function theme_ds_author_link($field) {
  return theme('username', $field['object']);

 * Theme the user picture.
function theme_ds_picture($field) {
  return theme('user_picture', $field['object']);

 * Template preprocess function for theme_views_view_row_object().
 * We delegate the manipulation of the object to a function
 * which every module implementing the ds_api should define.
function template_preprocess_ds_row_object(&$vars) {
  $options = $vars['options'];
  $vars['object'] = '';
  $vars['data_object'] = '';

  // The advanced selector searches for a function called
  // ds_views_row_adv_VIEWSNAME.
  if ($options['advanced']) {
    $build_mode = $options['build_mode'];
    $row_function = 'ds_views_row_adv_' . $vars['view']->name;
    $row_function($vars, $build_mode);
  else {
    static $nrs, $grouping = array();
    $group_value_content = '';
    $view_name = $vars['view']->name . '_' . $vars['view']->current_display;

    // Keep a static number for this view.
    if (!isset($nrs[$view_name])) {
      $nrs[$view_name] = 0;

    // Change the build mode per view.
    if (isset($options['changing']) && $options['changing']) {

      // Check for paging to determine the build mode.
      if (isset($_GET['page']) && isset($options['changing_fieldset']['allpages']) && !$options['changing_fieldset']['allpages']) {
        $build_mode = $options['build_mode'];
      else {
        $build_mode = $options['changing_fieldset']['item_' . $nrs[$view_name]];
    else {
      $build_mode = $options['build_mode'];

    // Call the function.
    $row_function = 'ds_views_row_' . $vars['view']->base_table;
    $row_function($vars, $build_mode);

    // Keep a static grouping for this view.
    if (isset($options['grouping']) && $options['grouping']) {
      $group_value = $vars['view']->result[$nrs[$view_name]]->{$options}['grouping_fieldset']['group_field'];
      if (!isset($grouping[$view_name][$group_value])) {
        $group_value_content = '<h2 class="grouping-title">' . $group_value . '</h2>';
        $grouping[$view_name][$group_value] = $group_value;

    // Grouping or not ?
    if (!empty($grouping[$view_name])) {
      if (!empty($group_value_content)) {
        $vars['data_object'] = $group_value_content;
      $vars['data_object'] .= '<div class="grouping-content">' . $vars['object'] . '</div>';
    else {
      $vars['data_object'] = $vars['object'];

    // Increment the number for this view.

 * Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields.
function template_preprocess_ds_row_fields(&$vars) {


Namesort descending Description
template_preprocess_ds_row_fields Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields.
template_preprocess_ds_row_object Template preprocess function for theme_views_view_row_object(). We delegate the manipulation of the object to a function which every module implementing the ds_api should define.
theme_ds_author_link Theme author name linked.
theme_ds_author_nolink Theme author name.
theme_ds_eval_block Evaluate block field.
theme_ds_eval_code Evaluate custom code.
theme_ds_field Theme function to render the field content.
theme_ds_field_inline Theme function to render the field content inline
theme_ds_group_fieldset Theme a group (fieldset).
theme_ds_multigroup_comma_separated Theme a multigroup as a comma separated list
theme_ds_multigroup_div Theme a multigroup as a collection of simple objects
theme_ds_multigroup_fieldset Theme a multigroup as a collection of fieldsets.
theme_ds_multigroup_horizontal_line Theme a multigroup divided by horizontal lines
theme_ds_multigroup_list Theme a multigroup list.
theme_ds_multigroup_table_multiple Theme a multigroup (fieldset).
theme_ds_multigroup_table_simple Theme a multigroup (fieldset).
theme_ds_objects Theme a collection of ds objects.
theme_ds_picture Theme the user picture.
theme_ds_region Theme function to render an individual region with its content
theme_ds_regions Theme function to render all regions with their content.
theme_ds_subgroup_label Theme the subgroup label
theme_ds_tabs Theme tabs. This is based on the theme_tabset() function from the tabs module. We use our own theming function because otherwhise we need to loop through our fields to build the right array before we an send it to theme('tabset');