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function ds_field_ui_layouts_save in Display Suite 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 includes/ \ds_field_ui_layouts_save()
  2. 8.3 includes/ \ds_field_ui_layouts_save()
  3. 7.2 includes/ \ds_field_ui_layouts_save()
  4. 7 \ds_field_ui_layouts_save()

Save the layout settings from the 'Manage display' screen.

1 string reference to 'ds_field_ui_layouts_save'
_ds_field_ui_table_layouts in includes/
Add the layouts fieldset on the Field UI screen.


includes/, line 321
Field UI functions for Display Suite.


function ds_field_ui_layouts_save($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $save_display = FALSE;

  // Get default values.
  $entity_type = $form['#entity_type'];

  /* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormInterface $entity_form */
  $entity_form = $form_state

  // Get the entity display.

  /* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityDisplayInterface $display */
  $display = $entity_form
  if ($display instanceof LayoutBuilderEnabledInterface && $display
    ->isLayoutBuilderEnabled()) {
      ->unsetThirdPartySetting('ds', 'layout');
      ->unsetThirdPartySetting('ds', 'regions');
      ->unsetThirdPartySetting('ds', 'fields');
      ->set('ignore_ds_fields', FALSE);

  // Get view mode.
  $view_mode = $display

  // Determine layout variables.
  $layout = $form_state
  $disable_css = $form_state
  $entity_classes = $form_state
  if (empty($entity_classes)) {
    $entity_classes = 'all_classes';
  $old_layout = $form_state
  $new_layout = $layout != $old_layout || empty($old_layout);
  $key = array_search('ds_field_ui_change_layout_submit', $form['actions']['submit']['#submit']);
  if ($key && !empty($old_layout)) {
  $ds_layouts = Ds::getLayouts();

  // Save layout and add regions if necessary.
  $record = [];
  $record['layout'] = [
    'id' => $layout,
    'library' => !empty($layout) ? $ds_layouts[$layout]
      ->getLibrary() : FALSE,
    'disable_css' => $disable_css ? TRUE : FALSE,
    'entity_classes' => $entity_classes,
  $record['regions'] = [];

  // Remove old layout if necessary.
  if ($new_layout && !empty($old_layout) || empty($layout)) {
      ->unsetThirdPartySetting('ds', 'layout');
      ->unsetThirdPartySetting('ds', 'regions');

    // If layout is empty, reset all fields to content, if the region is not
    // set to hidden at the moment. This takes field groups into account as well
    // automatically.
    if (empty($layout)) {
        ->set('ignore_ds_fields', FALSE);
        ->unsetThirdPartySetting('ds', 'fields');

      // Check for Field Group form params. If it's available, reset the
      // available and default regions.
      $field_group_params = $form_state
      if (isset($field_group_params) && !empty($field_group_params->available_regions) && !empty($field_group_params->default_region)) {
        $field_group_params->available_regions = [
        $field_group_params->default_region = 'hidden';
          ->set('field_group_params', $field_group_params);
      $fields = $form_state
      if (!empty($fields)) {
        foreach (array_keys($fields) as $name) {
          if (isset($fields[$name]['region'])) {
            $reset_region = 'content';
            if ($fields[$name]['region'] == 'hidden') {
              $reset_region = 'hidden';
            $fields[$name]['region'] = $reset_region;
        ->setValue('fields', $fields);
  if ($new_layout && !empty($layout)) {
    $save_display = TRUE;

    // Move current visible fields into a default region, so
    // we keep their current settings.
    $layouts = Ds::getLayouts();

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutDefinition $sl */
    $sl = $layouts[$layout];

    // TODO use default region method?
    $first_region = key($sl
    $record['layout']['settings']['classes'] = [];
    $record['layout']['settings']['wrappers'] = [];

    // Set default region values.
    foreach ($sl
      ->getRegions() as $region_name => $content) {
      $record['layout']['settings']['wrappers'][$region_name] = 'div';
    $record['layout']['settings']['outer_wrapper'] = 'div';
    $record['layout']['settings']['attributes'] = '';
    $record['layout']['settings']['link_attribute'] = FALSE;
    $record['layout']['settings']['link_custom'] = '';
    $fields = _ds_sort_fields((array) $form_state
      ->getValue('fields'), 'weight');
    foreach ($fields as $field_key => $field) {

      // Ignore new fieldgroup, new field or existing field.
      if (in_array($field_key, [
      ])) {

      // Can either be form or display.
      if (isset($field['type']) && $field['type'] != 'hidden') {
        $record['regions'][$first_region][] = $field_key;

    // In case this is the full node view mode and if the comment module
    // is enabled for this content type, add it as well.
    if ($entity_type == 'node' && $view_mode == 'full' && \Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('comment')) {
      $record['regions'][$first_region][] = 'comments';
  elseif (!empty($layout)) {
    $save_display = TRUE;
    $fields = _ds_sort_fields((array) $form_state
      ->getValue('fields'), 'weight');
    foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {

      // Make sure to hide hidden fields.
      if ($field['region'] == 'hidden') {
        ], 'hidden');
      if (!isset($record['regions'][$field['region']])) {
        $record['regions'][$field['region']] = [];
      $record['regions'][$field['region']][] = $key;

    /* @var \Drupal\layout_plugin\Plugin\Layout\LayoutInterface $layout_plugin */
    $layout_plugin = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.core.layout')
      ->createInstance($layout, []);
    $layout_form = isset($form['layout_configuration']) ? $form['layout_configuration'] : [];
    foreach (Element::children($form) as $name) {
      if (!empty($form[$name]['#ds_layout_configuration'])) {
        $layout_form[$name] = $form[$name];
    if ($layout_plugin instanceof PluginFormInterface) {
      $layout_form_state = (new FormState())
        ->getValue('layout_configuration', []));
        ->submitConfigurationForm($layout_form, $layout_form_state);

    // Get the layout settings from the layout_plugin.
    $record['layout']['settings'] = $layout_plugin

    // Let other modules alter the layout settings.
      ->alter('ds_layout_settings', $record, $form_state);

  // Save the configuration.
  if ($save_display) {

    // Let other modules alter the layout settings.
      ->alter('ds_layout_settings', $record, $form_state);
    foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) {
        ->setThirdPartySetting('ds', $key, $record[$key]);