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class dsDisplay in Display Suite 6.3

The Display Suite Display object


Expanded class hierarchy of dsDisplay


includes/dsDisplay.php, line 10
Class definition for a Display Suite Display object

View source
class dsDisplay {

   * Basic settings
  public $dsid;
  public $name;
  public $module;
  public $type;
  public $build_mode;

   * Display settings
  public $settings = array();

   * Fields set on this display
  public $fields;

   * Layout settings from hook_ds_layouts
  public $layout = array();

   * Regions configured for this object
  public $regions = array();

   * API information
  public $api_info = array();

   * Region styles
  public $region_styles = array();

   * The content to return
  public $content;

   * __constructor
  public function __construct() {

    // Setup the object
    $this->regions = array();
    $this->fields = array();

   * Initialise a display object
  public function initialise($object) {

    // API info for this module and type.
    $this->api_info = ds_get_display_hander($object->module);

    // Get settings for this display/build mode combination
    $this->settings = ds_get_settings($object->module, $object->type, $object->build_mode);

   * Load a display
   * @param $name (optional)
   *  The machine name which identifies the display. If not provided, the
   *  existing name will be used, if set.
   * @return
   *  either a complete display object, or FALSE
  public function load($name = '') {
    if (!empty($name)) {
      $this->name = $name;
    if (isset($this->name)) {
      $stored_display = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ds_settings} WHERE name = '%s'", $this->name));
      if (!empty($stored_display)) {
        $this->dsid = $stored_display['dsid'];
        $this->module = $stored_display['module'];
        $this->type = $stored_display['type'];
        $this->build_mode = $stored_display['build_mode'];
        $this->settings = unserialize($stored_display['settings']);
        $this->fields = unserialize($stored_display['fields']);

   *  Save this display to the database
  public function save() {
    $success = FALSE;

    // Iterate over fields and ditch those which are hidden.
    if (!empty($this->settings['fields'])) {
      foreach ($this->settings['fields'] as $field_key => $field_value) {
        if ($field_value['region'] == 'disabled') {
    $this->settings = serialize($this->settings);
    if (isset($this->dsid)) {
      $op = 'update';
    else {
      $op = 'create';
    switch ($op) {
      case 'create':
        $result = drupal_write_record('ds_settings', $this);
      case 'update':
        $result = drupal_write_record('ds_settings', $this, 'dsid');
    if ($result) {
      switch ($result) {
        case SAVED_NEW:
        case SAVED_UPDATED:
          $success = TRUE;

          // Reload to get the dsid
    if (isset($result) && $result == TRUE) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Delete
  public function delete() {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {ds_settings} WHERE name = '%s'", $this->name);

   * Build field and region information
   * @param stdClass $object
   *  The object for which this display is being built. We'd prefer to just
   *  attach it directly, but this causes circular reference problems in PHP 5.2
  function prepare(&$object) {

    // See if rendering is needed later on.
    // There are two ways of excluding: global exclude on object type
    // or per build mode per object type.
    // We don't return here, because we want to add all fields on the object
    // so themers can use it in their template.
    $exclude_build_modes = variable_get($module . '_buildmodes_exclude', array());
    $render_by_ds = isset($exclude_build_modes[$object->type][$object->build_mode]) && $exclude_build_modes[$object->type][$object->build_mode] == TRUE || variable_get($module . '_type_' . $object->type, FALSE) == TRUE ? FALSE : TRUE;
    if (!empty($this->settings['fields'])) {

      // Get all fields and settings for this build mode (this doesnt load CCK fields, only groups)
      $available_fields = ds_get_fields($this->module, $this->type, $this->build_mode);

      // The node Body can sometimes be populated with other content when empty
      // @todo - we do this here so the fields populate correctly, but find
      // somewhere logical for this
      if (isset($object->has_empty_body) && $object->has_empty_body == 1) {
        $object->body = '';

      // Iterate over fields listed on the display
      foreach ($this->settings['fields'] as $field_key => $field_settings) {

        // Dont render fields which are set to disabled
        $region = isset($field_settings['region']) ? $field_settings['region'] : DS_DEFAULT_REGION;
        if ($region != DS_DISABLED_REGION) {

          // Create a dummy region in $temp_regions for later nesting
          if (!isset($temp_regions[$region])) {
            $temp_regions[$region] = array();

          // @todo
          // Settings per field should be retrieved from a single cached function
          // call to ds_get_settings (or similar)
          if (isset($available_fields[$field_key])) {
            $field_defaults = $available_fields[$field_key];
          else {
            $field_defaults = array();
          $settings = array_merge($field_settings, $field_defaults);
          $field = ds_create_field($field_settings['type']);
            ->setting('region', $region);
            ->setting('module', $module);
            ->setting('object', $object);
            ->setting('object_type', $this->api_info['object']);
            ->addField($field_key, $field);

      // Build the individual fields using settings created previously
      $temp_regions = array();
      foreach ($this->fields as $key => $field) {

        // Build the field

        // Create a temp reference only if it doesnt already exists
        // This ensures that the weight and region always comes from the first
        // fieldgroup positioned.
        $region_key = $field['region'];
        $parent = $field['parent'];
        $temp_regions[$region_key][$key] = array(
          '#weight' => $object->ds_fields[$key]['weight'],
          '#parent' => $parent,
        if ($parent != '#root') {
          $this->fields[$parent]['fields'][] = $key;

      // Nest and order fields in regions
      if (!empty($temp_regions)) {

        // Nest groups
        foreach ($temp_regions as $key => $region) {
          $nested_fields = array();
            ->nestFields($region, $nested_fields);
          $this->regions[$key] = $nested_fields;

        // Sort groups
        foreach ($object->regions as $key => $region) {

    // Reset render_by_ds property if needed.
    if (empty($this->regions)) {
      $object->render_by_ds = FALSE;

   * Render content
   * @param stdClass $object
   *  The object to manipulate.
   * @param array $vars (optional)
   *  The variables required for rendering.
  function render(&$object, $vars = array()) {

    // @todo
    // This is a workaround till layouts are implemented
    if (!isset($object->layout)) {
      $object->layout = DS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT;

    // end @todo
    // Sort regions to get them in the right order for rendering
    $this->region_styles = ds_default_value($this->display_settings, 'region_styles');

    // Iterate over the active regions to build the display object
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($this->regions as $region_name => $region) {
      if ($region['#hidden'] == FALSE) {

        // Initialise the region with default values

        // Order region fields by weight

        // Loop through fields and extract them from the passed-in object
        foreach ($this->regions[$region_name]['#field_weights'] as $key => $weight) {

           * Preprocess some field content
          switch ($object->ds_fields[$key]['field_type']) {
            case DS_FIELD_TYPE_PREPROCESS:
              if (!empty($object->ds_fields[$key]['preprocess_settings']['key'])) {
                $object->ds_fields[$key]['content'] = $vars[$key][$object->preprocess_fields[$key]['key']];
              else {
                $object->ds_fields[$key]['content'] = $vars[$key];
            case DS_FIELD_TYPE_IGNORE:
              $object->ds_fields[$key]['content'] = isset($object->content[$key]['#value']) ? $object->content[$key]['#value'] : '';

           * Choose a field rendering pipeline based on the type
           * Groups get content and render within wrapper functions.
           * Fields get content then call the renderer directly.
          switch ($object->ds_fields[$key]['field_type']) {
            case DS_FIELD_TYPE_GROUP:
              $this->regions[$region_name][$key] = ds_render_group($object, $key, $vars);
            case DS_FIELD_TYPE_MULTIGROUP:
              $this->regions[$region_name][$key] = ds_render_multigroup($object, $key, $vars);

              // Set content for this item
              $object->ds_fields[$key]['content'] = ds_get_content($object->ds_fields[$key], $vars, $key);
              $this->regions[$region_name][$key] = ds_render_item($object->ds_fields[$key]);

    // Add field content to all regions

    // Plugins.
    ds_plugins_process($this, $object, $vars);

    // Add classes based on regions.
    if ($this
      ->regionIsActive('middle')) {
      $this->regions['middle']['#field_content'] = '<div class="' . $this->api_info['module'] . '-region-middle">' . $this->regions['middle']['#field_content'] . '</div>';
      $middle_class = $module . '-no-sidebars';
      if ($this
        ->regionIsActive('left') && $this
        ->regionIsActive('right')) {
        $middle_class = $module . '-two-sidebars';
      elseif ($this
        ->regionIsActive('left')) {
        $middle_class = $module . '-one-sidebar ' . $module . '-sidebar-left';
      elseif ($this
        ->regionIsActive('right')) {
        $middle_class = $module . '-one-sidebar ' . $module . '-sidebar-right';
        ->regionAttr('middle', 'class', $middle_class);
        ->regionAttr('middle', 'class', $this->api_info['module'] . '-region-middle-wrapper');
        ->regionRemoveAttr('middle', 'class', $this->api_info['module'] . '-region-middle');

    // Clean up regions ready for rendering

    // Theme the regions with their content.
    return $this

   * Add a field
  public function addField($key, $field) {
    $this->fields[$key] = $field;
    return $this->fields[$key];

   * Load a layout from hook_ds_layouts, and assign region variables
   * @param string $layout
   *  (optional) A layout to load. As most of ds currently doesnt support configurable
   *  layouts, this defaults to the standard layout when none is provided.
  public function getLayout($layout = DS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT) {
    $this->layout = ds_get_layout($layout);
    $this->layout['#key'] = $layout;
    foreach ($this->layout['regions'] as $name => $info) {
      $this->regions[$name] = $info;

      // All regions are disabled initially

   * Given an array of region information from a node, assign active and hidden
   * regions.
  public function assignActiveRegions($set_regions) {
    foreach ($this->regions as $key => $region) {
      if (array_key_exists($key, $set_regions)) {
        $this->regions[$key]['#field_weights'] = $set_regions[$key];

   * Determine whether a region is active
  public function regionIsActive($region_name) {
    if (isset($this->regions[$region_name]) && $this->regions[$region_name]['#hidden'] == FALSE) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Set up a region for use
  public function regionSetup($region_name) {

    // Default region classes
      ->regionAttr($region_name, 'class', 'ds-region');
      ->regionAttr($region_name, 'class', $this->api_info['module'] . '-region-' . $region_name);

   * Order fields for a region
   * @todo this will need to be swapped out for nested ordering wttk
  public function regionOrderFields($region_name) {
    if (isset($this->regions[$region_name])) {

   * Helper to hide a region
  public function regionHide($name) {
    if (isset($this->regions[$name])) {
      $this->regions[$name]['#hidden'] == TRUE;

   * Helper to show a region
  public function regionShow($name) {
    if (isset($this->regions[$name])) {
      $this->regions[$name]['#hidden'] == FALSE;

   * For all regions, add content from provided fields
  public function regionsAddContent() {
    $this->content = '';
    foreach ($this->regions as $key => $region) {
      if ($this
        ->regionIsActive($key)) {
        $fields = ds_element_children($region);
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
          if (!empty($region[$field])) {
            $this->regions[$key]['#field_content'] .= $region[$field];

   * Finalise a region for rendering
  public function regionFinalise($key) {
    if ($this
      ->regionIsActive($key)) {
      if (isset($display->region_styles[$key]) && !empty($display->region_styles[$key])) {
          ->regionAttr($key, 'class', $display->region_styles[$key]);

      // Clean region attributes
      $this->regions[$key]['attributes'] = ds_clean_attributes($this->regions[$key]['#attributes']);

   * Render a region
  public function regionRender($key) {
    if ($this
      ->regionIsActive($key)) {
      if (isset($this->regions[$key]['#theme']) && !empty($this->regions[$key]['#theme'])) {
        $theme = $this->regions[$key]['#theme'];

      // Do any last minute region tasks
      $vars = array();
      $vars['attributes'] = $this->regions[$key]['attributes'];
      $vars['content'] = $this->regions[$key]['#field_content'];
      $vars['count'] = $this->regions[$key]['#count'];
      $this->regions[$key]['content'] = theme($theme, $vars);

   * Wrapper to render all region content
  public function regionsRenderAll() {
    $count = 1;
    foreach ($this->regions as $key => $region) {
      if ($this
        ->regionIsActive($key)) {
        $this->regions[$key]['#count'] = $count;

   * Complete any last minute items before rendering
  public function displayFinalise() {

    // Default layout classes
    $this->layout['#attributes']['class'] = 'ds-display';
    $this->layout['#attributes']['class'] = 'ds-layout-' . $this->layout['#key'];

    // Clean display attributes
    $this->layout['attributes'] = ds_clean_attributes($this->layout['#attributes']);

   * Render the display
  public function displayRender() {

    // Most of the time, the default theme function will be called
    if (isset($this->layout['theme'])) {
      $theme = $this->layout['theme'];

    // Set up template variables
    $vars = array();
    foreach ($this->regions as $key => $region) {
      if ($this
        ->regionIsActive($key)) {
        $vars['regions'][$key] = $region;
    $vars['attributes'] = $this->layout['attributes'];

    // Render the content and store for later
    $this->content = theme($theme, $vars);

   * Return content for a display
  public function content() {
    if (isset($this->content) && !empty($this->content)) {
      return $this->content;
    return FALSE;

   * Wrapper to add an attribute to an item
  public function regionAttr($region, $type, $data) {

    // Initialise empty attribute arrays
    if (!isset($this->regions[$region]['#attributes'])) {
      $this->regions[$region]['#attributes'] = array();

    // Fix attributes passed as strings
    if (!is_array($this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type]) && !empty($this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type])) {
      $tmp = $this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type];
      $this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type] = array();
      $this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type][] = $tmp;

    // Add the attribute specified
    $this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type][] = $data;

   * Remove an attribute from a region
  public function regionRemoveAttr($region, $type, $match) {
    if (isset($this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type]) && is_array($this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type])) {
      foreach ($this->regions[$region]['#attributes'][$type] as $index => $value) {
        if ($match == $value) {

   * Helper to nest fieldsets
   * @param $fields
   *  a flat array of fields to nest
   * @param $nested
   *  a nested array of regions to return
  function nestFields(&$fields, &$nested, $current_parent = '#root', $depth = 0) {
    foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
      if ($field['#parent'] == $current_parent) {
        $children = array();
        ds_nest_fields($fields, $children, $key, $depth + 1);
        $nested[$key]['#weight'] = $field['#weight'];
        $nested[$key]['#depth'] = $depth;
        foreach ($children as $child_key => $child) {
          $nested[$key]['#fields'][$child_key] = $child;

   * Helper to sort nested fields
  function orderFields(&$fields) {

    // Order fields by weight
    $weight = array();
    foreach ($fields as $key => $row) {
      $weight[$key] = $row['#weight'];
    array_multisort($weight, SORT_ASC, $fields);
    foreach ($fields as &$field) {
      if (isset($field['#fields']) && !empty($field['#fields'])) {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
dsDisplay::$api_info public property API information
dsDisplay::$build_mode public property
dsDisplay::$content public property The content to return
dsDisplay::$dsid public property Basic settings
dsDisplay::$fields public property Fields set on this display
dsDisplay::$layout public property Layout settings from hook_ds_layouts
dsDisplay::$module public property
dsDisplay::$name public property
dsDisplay::$regions public property Regions configured for this object
dsDisplay::$region_styles public property Region styles
dsDisplay::$settings public property Display settings
dsDisplay::$type public property
dsDisplay::addField public function Add a field
dsDisplay::assignActiveRegions public function Given an array of region information from a node, assign active and hidden regions.
dsDisplay::content public function Return content for a display
dsDisplay::delete public function Delete
dsDisplay::displayFinalise public function Complete any last minute items before rendering
dsDisplay::displayRender public function Render the display
dsDisplay::getLayout public function Load a layout from hook_ds_layouts, and assign region variables
dsDisplay::initialise public function Initialise a display object
dsDisplay::load public function Load a display
dsDisplay::nestFields function Helper to nest fieldsets
dsDisplay::orderFields function Helper to sort nested fields
dsDisplay::prepare function Build field and region information
dsDisplay::regionAttr public function Wrapper to add an attribute to an item
dsDisplay::regionFinalise public function Finalise a region for rendering
dsDisplay::regionHide public function Helper to hide a region
dsDisplay::regionIsActive public function Determine whether a region is active
dsDisplay::regionOrderFields public function Order fields for a region
dsDisplay::regionRemoveAttr public function Remove an attribute from a region
dsDisplay::regionRender public function Render a region
dsDisplay::regionsAddContent public function For all regions, add content from provided fields
dsDisplay::regionSetup public function Set up a region for use
dsDisplay::regionShow public function Helper to show a region
dsDisplay::regionsRenderAll public function Wrapper to render all region content
dsDisplay::render function Render content
dsDisplay::save public function Save this display to the database
dsDisplay::__construct public function __constructor