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Functions in Display Suite 8.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ds_test_entity_view tests/modules/ds_test/ds_test.module Implements hook_entity_view().
ds_test_form_entity_view_display_edit_form_alter tests/modules/ds_test/ds_test.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
ds_test_get_tag_name tests/modules/ds_test/ds_test.module Helper function to return the tag name basid on tid. 1
ds_test_install tests/modules/ds_test/ds_test.module Implements hook_install().
ds_test_layout_alter tests/modules/ds_test/ds_test.module Implements hook_layout_alter().
ds_test_theme_suggestions_alter tests/modules/ds_test/ds_test.module Implements hook_theme_suggestions_alter().
ds_theme ./ds.module Implements hook_theme().
ds_theme_registry_alter ./ds.module Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
ds_theme_suggestions_alter ./ds.module Implements hook_theme_suggestions_alter().
ds_theme_suggestions_field_alter ./ds.module Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter().
ds_update_8001 ./ds.install Disable adding entity, bundle, view mode classes per display.
ds_update_8002 ./ds.install Fix ds_switch being added to each content entity.
ds_update_8003 ./ds.install Uninstalls Layout plugin, then enables Layout Discovery.
ds_update_8004 ./ds.install Makes sure Layout Discovery is enabled on update, as 8003 could have failed to do so.
ds_update_8005 ./ds.install Fix scrambled fields in the UI
hook_ds_classes_alter ./ds.api.php Allow modules to provide additional classes for regions and layouts.
hook_ds_fields_info_alter ./ds.api.php Modify the list of available ds field plugins.
hook_ds_field_format_summary ./ds.api.php Return configuration summary for the field format.
hook_ds_field_operations_alter ./ds.api.php Allow modules to alter the operations on the dynamic field overview page.
hook_ds_field_templates_info_alter ./ds.api.php Modify the list of available ds field template plugins.
hook_ds_label_options_alter ./ds.api.php Alter the field label options.
hook_ds_layout_region_alter ./ds.api.php Alter the region options in the field UI screen.
hook_ds_layout_settings_alter ./ds.api.php Modify the layout settings just before they get saved.
hook_ds_pre_render_alter ./ds.api.php Alter the layout render array.
hook_ds_views_row_render_entity ./ds.api.php Theme an entity through an advanced function.
hook_ds_views_row_render_entity_alter ./ds.api.php Theme an entity through an advanced function.
hook_ds_views_view_mode_alter ./ds.api.php Alter the view mode just before it's rendered by the DS views entity plugin.
template_preprocess_ds_entity_view ./ds.module Process entity view.
template_preprocess_field__ds_field_expert ./ds.module Implements template_preprocess_ds_field_expert().
template_preprocess_field__ds_field_minimal ./ds.module Implements template_preprocess_ds_field_minimal().
template_preprocess_field__ds_field_reset ./ds.module Implements template_preprocess_ds_field_reset().
_ds_field_group_field_ui_fix_notices includes/ Add fake field group value in. 1
_ds_field_ui_core_fields includes/ Alter the core field on the Field UI form. 1
_ds_field_ui_fields includes/ Add the fields to the Field UI form. 1
_ds_field_ui_table_layouts includes/ Add the layouts fieldset on the Field UI screen. 1
_ds_field_ui_table_layouts_preview includes/ Add the layout previews to the Field UI screen. 1
_ds_sort_fields includes/ Utility function to sort a multidimensional array by a value in a sub-array. 1


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