ds.api.php in Display Suite 8.4
Same filename and directory in other branches
Hooks provided by Display Suite module.
ds.api.phpView source
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
* @file
* Hooks provided by Display Suite module.
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Modify the list of available ds field plugins.
* This hook may be used to modify plugin properties after they have been
* specified by other modules.
* @param array $plugins
* An array of all the existing plugin definitions, passed by reference.
* @see \Drupal\views\Plugin\DsPluginManager
function hook_ds_fields_info_alter(array &$plugins) {
$plugins['node_title']['title'] = t('My title');
* Modify the list of available ds field template plugins.
* This hook may be used to modify plugin properties after they have been
* specified by other modules.
* @param array $plugins
* An array of all the existing plugin definitions, passed by reference.
* @see \Drupal\views\Plugin\DsFieldTemplatePluginManager
function hook_ds_field_templates_info_alter(array &$plugins) {
$plugins['expert']['title'] = t('My template');
* Return configuration summary for the field format.
* As soon as you have hook_ds_fields and one of the fields
* has a settings key, Display Suite will call this hook for the summary.
* @param array $field
* The configuration of the field.
* @return string
* The summary to show on the Field UI.
function hook_ds_field_format_summary(array $field) {
return 'Field summary';
* Modify the layout settings just before they get saved.
* @param array $record
* The record just before it gets saved into the database.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* The form_state values.
function hook_ds_layout_settings_alter(array $record, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$record['layout']['settings']['classes'] = [
* Alter the layout render array.
* @param array $layout_render_array
* The render array.
* @param array $context
* An array with the context that is being rendered. Available keys are:
* - entity
* - entity_type
* - bundle
* - view_mode
* @param array $vars
* All variables available for render. You can use this to add css classes.
function hook_ds_pre_render_alter(array &$layout_render_array, array $context, array &$vars) {
$layout_render_array['left'][] = [
'#markup' => 'cool!',
'#weight' => 20,
$vars['attributes']['class'][] = 'custom';
* Alter the region options in the field UI screen.
* This function is only called when a layout has been chosen.
* @param array $context
* A collection of keys for the context. The keys are 'entity_type',
* 'bundle' and 'view_mode'.
* @param array $region_info
* A collection of info for regions. The keys are 'region_options'
* and 'table_regions'.
function hook_ds_layout_region_alter(array $context, array &$region_info) {
$region_info['region_options']['my_region'] = 'New region';
$region_info['table_regions']['my_region'] = [
'title' => Html::escape('New region'),
'message' => t('No fields are displayed in this region'),
* Alter the field label options.
* Note that you will either update the preprocess functions or the
* field.html.twig file when adding new options.
* @param array $field_label_options
* A collection of field label options.
function hook_ds_label_options_alter(array &$field_label_options) {
$field_label_options['label_after'] = t('Label after field');
* Alter the view mode just before it's rendered by the DS views entity plugin.
* @param string $view_mode
* The name of the view mode.
* @param array $context
* A collection of items which can be used to identify in what
* context an entity is being rendered. The variable contains 3 keys:
* - entity: The entity being rendered.
* - view_name: the name of the view.
* - display: the name of the display of the view.
function hook_ds_views_view_mode_alter(&$view_mode, array $context) {
if ($context['view_name'] == 'my_view_name') {
$view_mode = 'new_view_mode';
* Theme an entity through an advanced function.
* The function is coming from the views entity plugin.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The entity.
* @param string $view_mode
* The name of the view mode.
* @return array
* The rendered entity
function hook_ds_views_row_render_entity(EntityInterface $entity, $view_mode) {
$entity = Node::load(1);
return \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
->view($entity, $view_mode);
* Theme an entity through an advanced function.
* Function is coming from the views entity plugin.
* @param array $build
* The builded entity.
* @param array $context
* Collection of parameters (row, view and view_mode).
function hook_ds_views_row_render_entity_alter(array &$build, array $context) {
// You can do whatever you want to here.
$build['data'] = [
'#markup' => 'Sample text',
'#weight' => 20,
* Allow modules to provide additional classes for regions and layouts.
function hook_ds_classes_alter(&$classes, $name) {
if ('ds_classes_regions' === $name) {
$classes['css-class-name'] = t('Custom Styling');
* Allow modules to alter the operations on the dynamic field overview page.
function hook_ds_field_operations_alter(&$operations, $field) {
if ($field['type'] == 'block') {
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".
Name | Description |
hook_ds_classes_alter | Allow modules to provide additional classes for regions and layouts. |
hook_ds_fields_info_alter | Modify the list of available ds field plugins. |
hook_ds_field_format_summary | Return configuration summary for the field format. |
hook_ds_field_operations_alter | Allow modules to alter the operations on the dynamic field overview page. |
hook_ds_field_templates_info_alter | Modify the list of available ds field template plugins. |
hook_ds_label_options_alter | Alter the field label options. |
hook_ds_layout_region_alter | Alter the region options in the field UI screen. |
hook_ds_layout_settings_alter | Modify the layout settings just before they get saved. |
hook_ds_pre_render_alter | Alter the layout render array. |
hook_ds_views_row_render_entity | Theme an entity through an advanced function. |
hook_ds_views_row_render_entity_alter | Theme an entity through an advanced function. |
hook_ds_views_view_mode_alter | Alter the view mode just before it's rendered by the DS views entity plugin. |