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Functions in Display Suite 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ds_update_4 ./ds.install Implements hook_update_N().
ds_update_6201 ./ds.install Update the settings table.
ds_update_6202 ./ds.install Update the settings table.
ds_variable_get ./ds.module Module-aware version of variable_get.
ds_var_export includes/ Nice var exporter, based on Views. 2
ds_views_api ./ds.module Implements hook_views_api().
ds_views_data views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
ds_views_handlers views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
ds_views_plugins views/ Implementation of hook_views_plugins().
template_preprocess_ds_display_overview_form theme/ Theme preprocess function for ds-display-overview-form.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_ds_display_overview_views_form theme/ Theme preprocess function for ds-display-overview-views-form.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_ds_row_fields theme/ Preprocess theme function to print a single record from a row, with fields.
template_preprocess_ds_row_object theme/ Template preprocess function for theme_views_view_row_object(). We delegate the manipulation of the object to a function which every module implementing the ds_api should define.
theme_ds_author_link theme/ Theme author name linked.
theme_ds_author_nolink theme/ Theme author name.
theme_ds_buildmodes_matrix_form theme/ Theme build modes matrix form.
theme_ds_eval_block theme/ Evaluate block field.
theme_ds_eval_code theme/ Evaluate custom code.
theme_ds_field theme/ Theme function to render the field content.
theme_ds_field_inline theme/ Theme function to render the field content inline
theme_ds_group_fieldset theme/ Theme a group (fieldset). 1
theme_ds_multigroup_comma_separated theme/ Theme a multigroup as a comma separated list 1
theme_ds_multigroup_div theme/ Theme a multigroup as a collection of simple objects 1
theme_ds_multigroup_fieldset theme/ Theme a multigroup as a collection of fieldsets. 1
theme_ds_multigroup_first_label theme/ Theme a multigroup so the first field is a label for other fields 1
theme_ds_multigroup_horizontal_line theme/ Theme a multigroup divided by horizontal lines 1
theme_ds_multigroup_list theme/ Theme a multigroup list. 1
theme_ds_multigroup_table_multiple theme/ Theme a multigroup (fieldset). 1
theme_ds_multigroup_table_simple theme/ Theme a multigroup (fieldset). 1
theme_ds_objects theme/ Theme a collection of ds objects.
theme_ds_picture theme/ Theme the user picture.
theme_ds_plugins theme/ Theme the form.
theme_ds_regions theme/ Theme function to render all regions with their content.
theme_ds_subgroup_label theme/ Theme the subgroup label 1
theme_ds_tabs theme/ Theme tabs. This is based on the theme_tabset() function from the tabs module. We use our own theming function because otherwhise we need to loop through our fields to build the right array before we an send it to theme('tabset');
_ds_block_list includes/ Return blocks. 1
_ds_features_api includes/ Return API information for features. 1
_ds_features_get_types includes/ Get types for features. 1
_ds_fields_examples_render includes/ Get the load/render info about an object. 1
_ds_fields_load_devel includes/ Helper function to load devel if needed. 1
_ds_fields_run_preprocess includes/ Helper function to run through the preprocess functions.
_ds_field_object_info includes/ Return info about the value field, including token info. 1
_ds_get_sync_copy includes/ Helper function to get build modes which need to be synced / copied. 1
_ds_plugins includes/ Return ds plugins. 1
_ds_register_build_modes includes/ Register build modes. 1
_ds_styles_match_options includes/ Match option labels from specified option values. 2
_ds_style_parse_variable includes/ Parse style variable value into a keyed array suitable for FAPI options, including the "None" option. 1
_ds_theme includes/ Return theme functions. 1
_ds_theme_ui includes/ Return theme functions for ds ui. 1
_ds_ui_menu includes/ Return menu items and import default settings. 1


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