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Functions in Display Suite 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ds_get_content ./ds.module Helper function to get content for a field 3
ds_get_fields ./ds.module API function to get fields. 4
ds_get_settings ./ds.module Get settings 7
ds_human_name includes/ 1
ds_import includes/ Import functionality. 1
ds_import_data includes/ Import data function. 2
ds_import_default_data ./ds.module Import default display data from modules. 2
ds_import_submit includes/ Import submit function.
ds_info includes/ Provide information about a module to the admin interface. 1
ds_install ./ds.install Implements hook_install().
ds_label_options includes/ Return array of available label options. 1
ds_layout_overview includes/ General overview page. 1
ds_make ./ds.module API function to build and render a build mode for a given object
ds_module_list includes/ Provide information about all installed modules 1
ds_plugins includes/ Menu callback. Registers plugins for a module. 1
ds_plugins_display_form includes/ Add plugins to display overview form. 1
ds_plugins_display_submit includes/ Save plugins settings. 1
ds_plugins_process ./ds.module Process plugins. 1
ds_plugins_retrieve includes/ Retrieve all available plugins. 1
ds_plugins_submit includes/ Save the plugin settings.
ds_preprocess_field_form includes/ Preprocess field form. 1
ds_preprocess_field_form_submit includes/ Save preprocess field. 1
ds_preprocess_field_form_validate includes/ Validate preprocess field submission, only on insert.
ds_regions ./ds.module Return array of available regions. 11 1
ds_render ./ds.module API function to return rendered content for an item 1
ds_render_content Deprecated ./ds.module Render content for an object. 2
ds_render_group ./ds.module Return a rendered fieldset group. 1
ds_render_item ./ds.module Return a value for a field or group. 3
ds_render_multigroup ./ds.module Return a rendered multigroup group. 1
ds_reset_fields_cache ./ds.module Function to reset fields cache. 7
ds_revert_form includes/ Revert form. 1
ds_revert_form_submit includes/ Revert form submit.
ds_schema ./ds.install Implements hook_schema(). 1
ds_settings_status includes/ Helper function to return readable name of status. 1
ds_show_field ./ds.module Function to check if a field is set for a type and build mode.
ds_static_variables ./ds.module Set or get static variables at runtime. 3
ds_styles includes/ Return styles. 3 1
ds_styles_form includes/ Menu callback, show styles form. 1
ds_sync_copy_form includes/ Add the sync / copy tab to the display overview form. 1
ds_sync_copy_form_submit includes/ Copy / sync settings. 1
ds_theme ./ds.module Implements hook_theme().
ds_ui_menu ./ds_ui.module Implementation of hook_menu().
ds_ui_perm ./ds_ui.module Implementation of hook_perm().
ds_ui_preprocess_page ./ds_ui.module Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().
ds_ui_theme ./ds_ui.module Implementation of hook_theme().
ds_ui_theme_registry_alter ./ds_ui.module Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
ds_uninstall ./ds.install Implements hook_uninstall().
ds_update_1 ./ds.install Implements hook_update_N().
ds_update_2 ./ds.install Implements hook_update_N().
ds_update_3 ./ds.install Implements hook_update_N().


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