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function ds_filter_tips in Display Suite 7

Tips callback for Display Suite php filter.

1 string reference to 'ds_filter_tips'
ds_filter_info in ./ds.module
Implements hook_filter_info().


./ds.module, line 385
Display Suite core functions.


function ds_filter_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  global $base_url;
  if ($long) {
    $output = '<h4>' . t('Using custom code with Display Suite') . '</h4>';
    $output .= t('Include &lt;?php ?&gt; tags when using PHP. The $entity object is available.');
    return $output;
  else {
    return t('You may post Display Suite code. You should include &lt;?php ?&gt; tags when using PHP. The $entity object is available.');