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ds.api.php in Display Suite 7.2

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  1. 8.4 ds.api.php
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  3. 8.3 ds.api.php
  4. 7 ds.api.php

Hooks provided by Display Suite module.


View source

 * @file
 * Hooks provided by Display Suite module.

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
function hook_test_ctools_plugin_api($module, $api) {
  if ($module == 'ds' && $api == 'ds' || $module == 'ds_extras' && $api == 'ds_extras') {
    return array(
      'version' => 1,

 * Expose Display Suite field settings.
 * This hook is called by CTools. For this hook to work, you need
 * hook_ctools_plugin_api(). The values of this hook can be overridden
 * and reverted through the UI.
function hook_ds_field_settings_info() {
  $dsfieldsettings = array();
  $dsfieldsetting = new stdClass();
  $dsfieldsetting->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default dsfieldsetting disabled initially */
  $dsfieldsetting->api_version = 1;
  $dsfieldsetting->id = 'node|article|default';
  $dsfieldsetting->entity_type = 'node';
  $dsfieldsetting->bundle = 'article';
  $dsfieldsetting->view_mode = 'default';
  $dsfieldsetting->settings = array(
    'title' => array(
      'weight' => '0',
      'label' => 'hidden',
      'format' => 'default',
      'formatter_settings' => array(
        'link' => '1',
        'wrapper' => 'h3',
        'class' => '',
    'node_link' => array(
      'weight' => '1',
      'label' => 'hidden',
      'format' => 'default',
  $dsfieldsettings['node|article|default'] = $dsfieldsetting;
  return $dsfieldsettings;

 * Expose default layout settings info.
 * This hook is called by CTools. For this hook to work, you need
 * hook_ctools_plugin_api(). The values of this hook can be overridden
 * and reverted through the UI.
function hook_ds_layout_settings_info() {
  $dslayouts = array();
  $dslayout = new stdClass();
  $dslayout->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default dslayout disabled initially */
  $dslayout->api_version = 1;
  $dslayout->id = 'node|article|default';
  $dslayout->entity_type = 'node';
  $dslayout->bundle = 'article';
  $dslayout->view_mode = 'default';
  $dslayout->layout = 'ds_2col';
  $dslayout->settings = array(
    'hide_empty_regions' => 0,
    'regions' => array(
      'left' => array(
        0 => 'title',
        1 => 'node_link',
      'right' => array(
        0 => 'body',
    'fields' => array(
      'title' => 'left',
      'node_link' => 'left',
      'body' => 'right',
    'classes' => array(),
  $dslayouts['node|article|default'] = $dslayout;
  return $dslayouts;

 * Expose default view modes.
 * This hook is called by CTools. For this hook to work, you need
 * hook_ctools_plugin_api(). The values of this hook can be overridden
 * and reverted through the UI.
function hook_ds_view_modes_info() {
  $ds_view_modes = array();
  $ds_view_mode = new stdClass();
  $ds_view_mode->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default ds_view_mode disabled initially */
  $ds_view_mode->api_version = 1;
  $ds_view_mode->view_mode = 'test_exportables';
  $ds_view_mode->label = 'Test exportables';
  $ds_view_mode->entities = array(
    'node' => 'node',
  $ds_view_modes['test_exportables'] = $ds_view_mode;
  return $ds_view_modes;

 * Define fields. These fields are not overridable through the interface.
 * If you want those, look at hook_ds_custom_fields_info().
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The name of the entity which we are requesting fields for, e.g. 'node'.
 * @return $fields
 *   A collection of fields which keys are the entity type name and values
 *   a collection fields.
 * @see ds_get_fields()
function hook_ds_fields_info($entity_type) {
  $fields = array();
  $fields['title'] = array(
    // title: title of the field
    'title' => t('Title'),
    // type: type of field
    // - DS_FIELD_TYPE_THEME      : calls a theming function.
    // - DS_FIELD_TYPE_FUNCTION   : calls a custom function.
    // - DS_FIELD_TYPE_CODE       : calls ds_render_code_field().
    // - DS_FIELD_TYPE_BLOCK      : calls ds_render_block_field().
    // - DS_FIELD_TYPE_PREPROCESS : calls nothing, just takes a key from the
    //                              variable field that is passed on.
    // - DS_FIELD_TYPE_IGNORE     : calls nothing, use this if you simple want
    //                              to drag and drop. The field itself will have
    //                              a theme function.
    'field_type' => DS_FIELD_TYPE_FUNCTION,
    // ui_limit : only used for the manage display screen so
    // you can limit fields to show based on bundles or view modes
    // the values are always in the form of $bundle|$view_mode
    // You may use * to select all.
    // Make sure you use the machine name.
    'ui_limit' => array(
    // file: an optional file in which the function resides.
    'file' => 'optional_filename',
    // function: only for DS_FIELD_TYPE_FUNCTION.
    'function' => 'theme_ds_title_field',
    // properties: can have different keys.
    'properties' => array(
      // formatters: optional if a function is used.
      // In case the field_type is DS_FIELD_TYPE_THEME, you also
      // need to register these formatters as a theming function
      // since the key will be called with theme('function').
      // The value is the caption used in the selection config on Field UI.
      'formatters' => array(
        'node_title_nolink_h1' => t('H1 title'),
        'node_title_link_h1' => t('H1 title, linked to node'),
      // settings & default: optional if you have a settings form for your field.
      'settings' => array(
        'wrapper' => array(
          'type' => 'textfield',
          'description' => t('Eg: h1, h2, p'),
        'link' => array(
          'type' => 'select',
          'options' => array(
      'default' => array(
        'wrapper' => 'h2',
        'link' => 0,
      // code: optional, only for code field.
      'code' => 'my code here',
      // use_token: optional, only for code field.
      'use_token' => TRUE,
      // or FALSE,
      // block: the module and delta of the block, only for block fields.
      // @note: Display Suite uses a "|" token to split the module from
      // the delta.
      'block' => 'user|menu',
      // block_render: block render type, only for block fields.
      // - DS_BLOCK_TEMPLATE      : render through block template file.
      // - DS_BLOCK_TITLE_CONTENT : render only title and content.
      // - DS_BLOCK_CONTENT       : render only content.
      'block_render' => DS_BLOCK_CONTENT,
  return array(
    'node' => $fields,

 * Define custom fields which can be overridden through the UI and which
 * are exportable. The keys are almost the same as in hook_ds_fields_info()
 * except that field_type is limited and you need an entities key.
 * This hook is called by CTools. For this hook to work, you need
 * hook_ctools_plugin_api(). The values of this hook can be overridden
 * and reverted through the UI.
function hook_ds_custom_fields_info() {
  $ds_fields = array();
  $ds_field = new stdClass();
  $ds_field->api_version = 1;
  $ds_field->field = 'custom_field';
  $ds_field->label = 'Custom field';

  // Field type: either block or code
  $ds_field->field_type = 5;

  // Collection of entities on which this custom field can work on.
  $ds_field->entities = array(
    'node' => 'node',
  $ds_field->properties = array(
    'code' => array(
      'value' => '<?php print "this is a custom field"; ?>',
      'format' => 'ds_code',
    'use_token' => 0,
  $ds_fields['custom_field'] = $ds_field;
  return $ds_fields;

 * Expose Views layouts definitions.
 * This hook is called by CTools. For this hook to work, you need
 * hook_ctools_plugin_api(). The values of this hook can be overridden
 * and reverted through the UI.
function hook_ds_vd_info() {
  $ds_vds = array();
  $ds_vd = new stdClass();
  $ds_vd->api_version = 1;
  $ds_vd->vd = 'frontpage-page';
  $ds_vd->label = 'Frontpage: Views displays';
  $ds_vds['frontpage-page'] = $ds_vd;
  return $ds_vds;

 * Alter fields defined by Display Suite.
 * This function is called for each entity type.
 * @param $fields
 *   An array with fields which can be altered just before they get cached.
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The name of the entity type.
function hook_ds_fields_info_alter(&$fields, $entity_type) {
  if (isset($fields['title'])) {
    $fields['title']['title'] = t('My title');

 * Alter fields defined by Display Suite just before they get
 * rendered on the Field UI. Use this hook to inject fields
 * which you can't alter with hook_ds_fields_info_alter().
 * Use this in edge cases, see ds_extras_ds_fields_ui_alter()
 * which adds fields chosen in Views UI. This also runs
 * when a layout has been chosen.
 * @param $fields
 *   An array with fields which can be altered just before they get cached.
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The name of the entity type.
function hook_ds_fields_ui_alter(&$fields, $context) {
  $fields['title'] = t('Extra title');

 * Define theme functions for fields.
 * This only is necessary when you're using the field settings
 * plugin which comes with the DS extras module and you want to
 * expose a special field theming function to the interface.
 * The theme function gets $variables as the only parameter.
 * The optional configuration through the UI is in $variables['ds-config'].
 * Note that 'theme_ds_field_' is always needed, so the suggestions can work.
 * @return $field_theme_functions
 *   A collection of field theming functions.
function hook_ds_field_theme_functions_info() {
  return array(
    'theme_ds_field_mine' => t('Theme field'),

 * Return configuration summary for the field format.
 * As soon as you have hook_ds_fields and one of the fields
 * has a settings key, Display Suite will call this hook for the summary.
 * @param $field
 *   The configuration of the field.
 * @return $summary
 *   The summary to show on the Field UI.
function hook_ds_field_format_summary($field) {
  return 'Field summary';

 * Return a settings form for a Display Suite field.
 * As soon as you have hook_ds_fields and one of the fields
 * has a settings key, Display Suite will call this hook for field form.
 * @param $field
 *   The configuration of the field.
 * @return $form
 *   A form definition.
function hook_ds_field_settings_form($field) {

  // Saved formatter settings are on $field['formatter_settings'];
  $settings = isset($field['formatter_settings']) ? $field['formatter_settings'] : $field['properties']['default'];
  $form['label'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Label'),
    '#default_value' => $settings['label'],

 * Modify the layout settings just before they get saved.
 * @param $record
 *   The record just before it gets saved into the database.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The form_state values.
function hook_ds_layout_settings_alter($record, $form_state) {
  $record->settings['hide_page_title'] = TRUE;

 * Modify the field settings before they get saved.
 * @param $field_settings
 *   A collection of field settings which keys are fields.
 * @param $form
 *   The current form which is submitted.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The form state with all its values.
function hook_ds_field_settings_alter(&$field_settings, $form, $form_state) {
  $field_settings['title']['region'] = 'left';

 * Define layouts from code.
 * @return $layouts
 *   A collection of layouts.
function hook_ds_layout_info() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'foo');
  $layouts = array(
    'foo_1col' => array(
      'label' => t('Foo one column'),
      'path' => $path . '/layouts/foo_1col',
      'regions' => array(
        'foo_content' => t('Content'),
      'css' => TRUE,
      // optional, form only applies to node form at this point.
      'form' => TRUE,
  return $layouts;

 * Alter the layout render array.
 * @param $layout_render_array
 *   The render array
 * @param $context
 *   An array with the context that is being rendered. Available keys are
 *   - entity
 *   - entity_type
 *   - bundle
 *   - view_mode
 * @param array $vars
 *   All variables available for render. You can use this to add css classes.
function hook_ds_pre_render_alter(&$layout_render_array, $context, &$vars) {
  $layout_render_array['left'][] = array(
    '#markup' => 'cool!',
    '#weight' => 20,
  $vars['attributes_array']['class'][] = 'custom';

 * Alter layouts found by Display Suite.
 * @param $layouts
 *   A array of layouts which keys are the layout and which values are
 *   properties of that layout (label, path, regions and css).
function hook_ds_layout_info_alter(&$layouts) {

 * Alter the region options in the field UI screen.
 * This function is only called when a layout has been chosen.
 * @param $context
 *   A collection of keys for the context. The keys are 'entity_type',
 *   'bundle' and 'view_mode'.
 * @param $region_info
 *   A collection of info for regions. The keys are 'region_options'
 *   and 'table_regions'.
function hook_ds_layout_region_alter($context, &$region_info) {
  $region_info['region_options'][$block_key] = $block['title'];
  $region_info['table_regions'][$block_key] = array(
    'title' => check_plain($block['title']),
    'message' => t('No fields are displayed in this region'),

 * Alter the field label options. Note that you will either
 * update the preprocess functions or the field.tpl.php file when
 * adding new options.
 * @param $field_label_options
 *   A collection of field label options.
function hook_ds_label_options_alter(&$field_label_options) {
  $field_label_options['label_after'] = t('Label after field');

 * Themes can also define extra layouts.
 * Create a ds_layouts folder and then a folder name that will
 * be used as key for the layout. The folder should at least have 2 files:
 * -
 * - key.tpl.php
 * The css file is optional.
 * - key.css
 * e.g.
 * bartik/ds_layouts/bartik_ds/
 *                            /bartik-ds.tpl.php
 *                            /bartik_ds.css
 * must look like this:
 // Fuction name is ds_LAYOUT_KEY
  function ds_bartik_ds() {
    return array(
      'label' => t('Bartik DS'),
      'regions' => array(
        // The key of this region name is also the variable used in
        // the template to print the content of that region.
        'bartik' => t('Bartik DS'),
      // Add this if there is a default css file.
      'css' => TRUE,
      // Add this if there is a default preview image
      'image' => TRUE,

 * Alter the view mode just before it's rendered by the DS views entity plugin.
 * @param $view_mode
 *   The name of the view mode.
 * @param $context
 *   A collection of items which can be used to identify in what
 *   context an entity is being rendered. The variable contains 3 keys:
 *     - entity: The entity being rendered.
 *     - view_name: the name of the view.
 *     - display: the name of the display of the view.
function hook_ds_views_view_mode_alter(&$view_mode, $context) {
  if ($context['view_name'] == 'my_view_name') {
    $view_mode = 'new_view_mode';

 * Theme an entity coming from the views entity plugin.
 * @param $entity
 *   The complete entity.
 * @param $view_mode
 *   The name of the view mode.
function ds_views_row_ENTITY_NAME($entity, $view_mode) {
  $nid = $vars['row']->{$vars['field_alias']};
  $node = node_load($nid);
  $element = node_view($node, $view_mode);
  return drupal_render($element);

 * Theme an entity through an advanced function coming from the views entity plugin.
 * @param $vars
 *   An array of variables from the views preprocess functions.
 * @param $view_mode
 *   The name of the view mode.
function ds_views_row_adv_VIEWS_NAME(&$vars, $view_mode) {

  // You can do whatever you want to here.
  $vars['object'] = 'This is what I want for christmas.';

 * Modify the entity render array in the context of a view.
 * @param array $content
 *   By reference. An entity view render array.
 * @param array $context
 *   By reference. An associative array containing:
 *   - row: The current active row object being rendered.
 *   - view: By reference. The current view object.
 *   - view_mode: The view mode which is set in the Views' options.
 *   - load_comments: The same param passed to each row function.
 * @see ds_views_row_render_entity()
function hook_ds_views_row_render_entity_alter(&$content, &$context) {
  if ($context['view_mode'] == 'my_mode') {

    // Modify the view, or the content render array in the context of a view.
    $view =& $context['view'];
    $element =& drupal_array_get_nested_value($content, array(

 * Alter the strings used to separate taxonomy terms.
function hook_ds_taxonomy_term_separators(&$separators) {

  // Remove the option to use a hyphen.
  unset($separators[' - ']);

  // Add the option to use a pipe.
  $separators[' | '] = t('pipe');

 * Allow modules to provide additional classes for regions and layouts.
function hook_ds_classes_alter(&$classes, $name) {
  if ('ds_classes_regions' === $name) {
    $classes['css-class-name'] = t('Custom Styling');

 * Alter the field template settings form
 * @param array $form
 *   The form containing the field settings
 * @param array $field_settings
 *   The settings of the field
function hook_ds_field_theme_functions_settings_alter(&$form, $field_settings) {
  $form['something'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => 'test',

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
ds_views_row_adv_VIEWS_NAME Theme an entity through an advanced function coming from the views entity plugin.
ds_views_row_ENTITY_NAME Theme an entity coming from the views entity plugin.
hook_ds_classes_alter Allow modules to provide additional classes for regions and layouts.
hook_ds_custom_fields_info Define custom fields which can be overridden through the UI and which are exportable. The keys are almost the same as in hook_ds_fields_info() except that field_type is limited and you need an entities key.
hook_ds_fields_info Define fields. These fields are not overridable through the interface. If you want those, look at hook_ds_custom_fields_info().
hook_ds_fields_info_alter Alter fields defined by Display Suite.
hook_ds_fields_ui_alter Alter fields defined by Display Suite just before they get rendered on the Field UI. Use this hook to inject fields which you can't alter with hook_ds_fields_info_alter().
hook_ds_field_format_summary Return configuration summary for the field format.
hook_ds_field_settings_alter Modify the field settings before they get saved.
hook_ds_field_settings_form Return a settings form for a Display Suite field.
hook_ds_field_settings_info Expose Display Suite field settings.
hook_ds_field_theme_functions_info Define theme functions for fields.
hook_ds_field_theme_functions_settings_alter Alter the field template settings form
hook_ds_label_options_alter Alter the field label options. Note that you will either update the preprocess functions or the field.tpl.php file when adding new options.
hook_ds_layout_info Define layouts from code.
hook_ds_layout_info_alter Alter layouts found by Display Suite.
hook_ds_layout_region_alter Alter the region options in the field UI screen.
hook_ds_layout_settings_alter Modify the layout settings just before they get saved.
hook_ds_layout_settings_info Expose default layout settings info.
hook_ds_pre_render_alter Alter the layout render array.
hook_ds_taxonomy_term_separators Alter the strings used to separate taxonomy terms.
hook_ds_vd_info Expose Views layouts definitions.
hook_ds_views_row_render_entity_alter Modify the entity render array in the context of a view.
hook_ds_views_view_mode_alter Alter the view mode just before it's rendered by the DS views entity plugin.
hook_ds_view_modes_info Expose default view modes.
hook_test_ctools_plugin_api Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().