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function _dmu_plugin_list in Drupal 7 to 8/9 Module Upgrader 8

Returns a list of plugin IDs of a given type.

Filtered by the --only and --skip options.


string $plugin_type: The plugin type. Can be one of indexer, analyzer, converter, cleaner.

Return value

array Plugin ID's.

2 calls to _dmu_plugin_list()
drush_drupalmoduleupgrader_dmu_analyze in ./
Analyzes what needs changing in a module to port it to Drupal 8.
drush_drupalmoduleupgrader_dmu_upgrade in ./
Tries to automatically convert a Drupal 7 module to Drupal 8.


./, line 112
Declarations for Drush.


function _dmu_plugin_list($plugin_type) {

  // Instantiate the plugin manager and get all available plugin IDs.
  $manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.drupalmoduleupgrader.' . $plugin_type);
  $plugin_ids = array_keys($manager

  // Filter by the --only and --skip options, if set.
  if ($only = drush_get_option('only', FALSE)) {
    $plugin_ids = array_intersect($plugin_ids, explode(',', $only));
  elseif ($skip = drush_get_option('skip', FALSE)) {
    $plugin_ids = array_diff($plugin_ids, explode(',', $skip));
  return $plugin_ids;