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function user_update_7012 in Drupal 7

Add the user's pictures to the {file_managed} table and make them managed files.

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modules/user/user.install, line 714
Install, update and uninstall functions for the user module.


function user_update_7012(&$sandbox) {
  $picture_field = array(
    'type' => 'int',
    'not null' => TRUE,
    'default' => 0,
    'description' => "Foreign key: {file_managed}.fid of user's picture.",
  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {

    // Check that the field hasn't been updated in an aborted run of this
    // update.
    if (!db_field_exists('users', 'picture_fid')) {

      // Add a new field for the fid.
      db_add_field('users', 'picture_fid', $picture_field);

    // Initialize batch update information.
    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
    $sandbox['last_user_processed'] = -1;
    $sandbox['max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE picture <> ''")

  // As a batch operation move the photos into the {file_managed} table and
  // update the {users} records.
  $limit = 500;
  $result = db_query_range("SELECT uid, picture FROM {users} WHERE picture <> '' AND uid > :uid ORDER BY uid", 0, $limit, array(
    ':uid' => $sandbox['last_user_processed'],
  foreach ($result as $user) {

    // Don't bother adding files that don't exist.
    if (file_exists($user->picture)) {

      // Check if the file already exists.
      $files = file_load_multiple(array(), array(
        'uri' => $user->picture,
      if (count($files)) {
        $file = reset($files);
      else {

        // Create a file object.
        $file = new stdClass();
        $file->uri = $user->picture;
        $file->filename = drupal_basename($file->uri);
        $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file->uri);
        $file->uid = $user->uid;
        $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
        $file = file_save($file);
        'picture_fid' => $file->fid,
        ->condition('uid', $user->uid)

    // Update our progress information for the batch update.
    $sandbox['last_user_processed'] = $user->uid;

  // Indicate our current progress to the batch update system. If there's no
  // max value then there's nothing to update and we're finished.
  $sandbox['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['max']) ? 1 : $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max'];

  // When we're finished, drop the old picture field and rename the new one to
  // replace it.
  if (isset($sandbox['#finished']) && $sandbox['#finished'] == 1) {
    db_drop_field('users', 'picture');
    db_change_field('users', 'picture_fid', 'picture', $picture_field);