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function upload_help in Drupal 4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 modules/upload/upload.module \upload_help()
  2. 6 modules/upload/upload.module \upload_help()

Implementation of hook_help().


modules/upload.module, line 12
File-handling and attaching files to nodes.


function upload_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/help#upload':
      $output = '<p>' . t('The upload module allows users to upload files to the site.  The ability to upload files to a site is important for members of a community who want to share work. It is also useful to administrators who want to keep uploaded files connected to a node or page.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Users with the upload files permission can upload attachments. You can choose which post types can take attachments on the content types settings page.  Each user role can be customized for the file size of uploads, and the dimension of image files.') . '</p>';
      $output .= t('<p>You can</p>
<li>administer user permissions at <a href="%admin-access">administer &gt;&gt; access control</a>.</li>
<li>administer content at <a href="%admin-content-types">administer &gt;&gt; settings &gt;&gt; content types</a>.</li>
<li>administer upload at <a href="%admin-upload">administer &gt;&gt; settings &gt;&gt; upload</a>.</li>
', array(
        '%admin-access' => url('admin/access'),
        '%admin-content-types' => url('admin/settings/content-types'),
        '%admin-upload' => url('admin/settings/upload'),
      $output .= '<p>' . t('For more information please read the configuration and customization handbook <a href="%upload">Upload page</a>.', array(
        '%upload' => '',
      )) . '</p>';
      return $output;
    case 'admin/modules#description':
      return t('Allows users to upload and attach files to content.');
    case 'admin/settings/upload':
      return t('<p>Users with the <a href="%permissions">upload files permission</a> can upload attachments. Users with the <a href="%permissions">view uploaded files permission</a> can view uploaded attachments. You can choose which post types can take attachments on the <a href="%types">content types settings</a> page.</p>', array(
        '%permissions' => url('admin/access'),
        '%types' => url('admin/settings/content-types'),