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function _update_get_cache_multiple in Drupal 7

Returns an array of cache items with a given cache ID prefix.


string $cid_prefix: The cache ID prefix.

Return value

Associative array of cache items, keyed by cache ID.

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modules/update/update.module, line 821
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function _update_get_cache_multiple($cid_prefix) {
  $data = array();
  $result = db_select('cache_update')
    ->fields('cache_update', array(
    ->condition('cache_update.cid', $cid_prefix . '::%', 'LIKE')
  foreach ($result as $cache) {
    if ($cache) {
      if ($cache->serialized) {
        $cache->data = unserialize($cache->data);
      $data[$cache->cid] = $cache;
  return $data;