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public function Archive_Tar::createModify in Drupal 7

This method creates the archive file and add the files / directories that are listed in $p_filelist. If the file already exists and is writable, it is replaced by the new tar. It is a create and not an add. If the file exists and is read-only or is a directory it is not replaced. The method return false and a PEAR error text. The $p_filelist parameter can be an array of string, each string representing a filename or a directory name with their path if needed. It can also be a single string with names separated by a single blank. The path indicated in $p_remove_dir will be removed from the memorized path of each file / directory listed when this path exists. By default nothing is removed (empty path '') The path indicated in $p_add_dir will be added at the beginning of the memorized path of each file / directory listed. However it can be set to empty ''. The adding of a path is done after the removing of path. The path add/remove ability enables the user to prepare an archive for extraction in a different path than the origin files are. See also addModify() method for file adding properties.


array $p_filelist An array of filenames and directory names,: or a single string with names separated by a single blank space.

string $p_add_dir A string which contains a path to be added: to the memorized path of each element in the list.

string $p_remove_dir A string which contains a path to be: removed from the memorized path of each element in the list, when relevant.

Return value

boolean true on success, false on error.

See also


2 calls to Archive_Tar::createModify()
Archive_Tar::addModify in modules/system/
This method add the files / directories listed in $p_filelist at the end of the existing archive. If the archive does not yet exists it is created. The $p_filelist parameter can be an array of string, each string representing a filename or a directory…
Archive_Tar::create in modules/system/
This method creates the archive file and add the files / directories that are listed in $p_filelist. If a file with the same name exist and is writable, it is replaced by the new tar. The method return false and a PEAR error text. The $p_filelist…


modules/system/, line 437




public function createModify($p_filelist, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir = '') {
  $v_result = true;
  if (!$this
    ->_openWrite()) {
    return false;
  if ($p_filelist != '') {
    if (is_array($p_filelist)) {
      $v_list = $p_filelist;
    elseif (is_string($p_filelist)) {
      $v_list = explode($this->_separator, $p_filelist);
    else {
        ->_error('Invalid file list');
      return false;
    $v_result = $this
      ->_addList($v_list, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir);
  if ($v_result) {
  else {
  return $v_result;