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public function Archive_Tar::_openWrite in Drupal 7

Return value


3 calls to Archive_Tar::_openWrite()
Archive_Tar::addString in modules/system/
This method add a single string as a file at the end of the existing archive. If the archive does not yet exists it is created.
Archive_Tar::createModify in modules/system/
This method creates the archive file and add the files / directories that are listed in $p_filelist. If the file already exists and is writable, it is replaced by the new tar. It is a create and not an add. If the file exists and is read-only or is a…
Archive_Tar::_openAppend in modules/system/


modules/system/, line 834




public function _openWrite() {
  if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz' && function_exists('gzopen')) {
    $this->_file = @gzopen($this->_tarname, "wb9");
  else {
    if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2' && function_exists('bzopen')) {
      $this->_file = @bzopen($this->_tarname, "w");
    else {
      if ($this->_compress_type == 'lzma2' && function_exists('xzopen')) {
        $this->_file = @xzopen($this->_tarname, 'w');
      else {
        if ($this->_compress_type == 'none') {
          $this->_file = @fopen($this->_tarname, "wb");
        else {
            ->_error('Unknown or missing compression type (' . $this->_compress_type . ')');
          return false;
  if ($this->_file == 0) {
      ->_error('Unable to open in write mode \'' . $this->_tarname . '\'');
    return false;
  return true;