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function system_send_email_action_form in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 modules/system/system.module \system_send_email_action_form()

Return a form definition so the Send email action can be configured.


$context: Default values (if we are editing an existing action instance).

Return value

Form definition.

See also




modules/system/system.module, line 1665
Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.


function system_send_email_action_form($context) {

  // Set default values for form.
  if (!isset($context['recipient'])) {
    $context['recipient'] = '';
  if (!isset($context['subject'])) {
    $context['subject'] = '';
  if (!isset($context['message'])) {
    $context['message'] = '';
  $form['recipient'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Recipient'),
    '#default_value' => $context['recipient'],
    '#maxlength' => '254',
    '#description' => t('The email address to which the message should be sent OR enter %author if you would like to send an e-mail to the author of the original post.', array(
      '%author' => '%author',
  $form['subject'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Subject'),
    '#default_value' => $context['subject'],
    '#maxlength' => '254',
    '#description' => t('The subject of the message.'),
  $form['message'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Message'),
    '#default_value' => $context['message'],
    '#cols' => '80',
    '#rows' => '20',
    '#description' => t('The message that should be sent. You may include the following variables: %site_name, %username, %node_url, %node_type, %title, %teaser, %body, %term_name, %term_description, %term_id, %vocabulary_name, %vocabulary_description, %vocabulary_id. Not all variables will be available in all contexts.'),
  return $form;