function system_block in Drupal 6
Implementation of hook_block().
Generate a block with a promotional link to
- modules/
system/ system.module, line 580 - Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.
function system_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'list':
$blocks[0] = array(
'info' => t('Powered by Drupal'),
'weight' => '10',
// Not worth caching.
'cache' => BLOCK_NO_CACHE,
return $blocks;
case 'configure':
// Compile a list of fields to show
$form['wrapper']['color'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Badge color'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('drupal_badge_color', 'powered-blue'),
'#options' => array(
'powered-black' => t('Black'),
'powered-blue' => t('Blue'),
'powered-gray' => t('Gray'),
$form['wrapper']['size'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Badge size'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('drupal_badge_size', '80x15'),
'#options' => array(
'80x15' => t('Small'),
'88x31' => t('Medium'),
'135x42' => t('Large'),
return $form;
case 'save':
variable_set('drupal_badge_color', $edit['color']);
variable_set('drupal_badge_size', $edit['size']);
case 'view':
$image_path = 'misc/' . variable_get('drupal_badge_color', 'powered-blue') . '-' . variable_get('drupal_badge_size', '80x15') . '.png';
$block['subject'] = NULL;
// Don't display a title
$block['content'] = theme('system_powered_by', $image_path);
return $block;