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function system_admin_menu_block in Drupal 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 modules/system/system.module \system_admin_menu_block()
  2. 6 modules/system/system.module \system_admin_menu_block()

Provide a single block on the administration overview page.


$item: The menu item to be displayed.

4 calls to system_admin_menu_block()
node_add_page in modules/node/
Page callback: Displays add content links for available content types.
system_admin_config_page in modules/system/
Menu callback; Provide the administration overview page.
system_admin_menu_block_page in modules/system/
Provide a single block from the administration menu as a page.
system_settings_overview in modules/system/
Displays the configuration overview page.


modules/system/system.module, line 2131
Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.


function system_admin_menu_block($item) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());

  // If we are calling this function for a menu item that corresponds to a
  // local task (for example, admin/tasks), then we want to retrieve the
  // parent item's child links, not this item's (since this item won't have
  // any).
  if ($item['tab_root'] != $item['path']) {
    $item = menu_get_item($item['tab_root_href']);
  if (!isset($item['mlid'])) {
    $item += db_query("SELECT mlid, menu_name FROM {menu_links} ml WHERE ml.router_path = :path AND module = 'system'", array(
      ':path' => $item['path'],
  if (isset($cache[$item['mlid']])) {
    return $cache[$item['mlid']];
  $content = array();
  $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml', array(
    'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
    ->join('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path');
    ->fields('m', array_diff(drupal_schema_fields_sql('menu_router'), array(
    ->condition('ml.plid', $item['mlid'])
    ->condition('ml.menu_name', $item['menu_name'])
    ->condition('ml.hidden', 0);
  foreach ($query
    ->execute() as $link) {
    if ($link['access']) {

      // The link description, either derived from 'description' in
      // hook_menu() or customized via menu module is used as title attribute.
      if (!empty($link['localized_options']['attributes']['title'])) {
        $link['description'] = $link['localized_options']['attributes']['title'];

      // Prepare for sorting as in function _menu_tree_check_access().
      // The weight is offset so it is always positive, with a uniform 5-digits.
      $key = 50000 + $link['weight'] . ' ' . drupal_strtolower($link['title']) . ' ' . $link['mlid'];
      $content[$key] = $link;
  $cache[$item['mlid']] = $content;
  return $content;