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function _system_date_formats_build in Drupal 7

Builds and returns information about available date formats.

Return value

An associative array of date formats. The top-level keys are the names of the date types that the date formats belong to. The values are in turn associative arrays keyed by format with the following keys:

  • dfid: The date format ID.
  • format: The PHP date format string.
  • type: The machine-readable name of the date type the format belongs to.
  • locales: An array of language codes. This can include both 2 character language codes like 'en and 'fr' and 5 character language codes like 'en-gb' and 'en-us'.
  • locked: A boolean indicating whether or not this date type should be configurable from the user interface.
  • module: The name of the module that defined this format in its hook_date_formats(). An empty string if the format was user-defined.
  • is_new: A boolean indicating whether or not this date type is as of yet unsaved in the database.
2 calls to _system_date_formats_build()
system_date_formats_rebuild in modules/system/system.module
Resets the database cache of date formats and saves all new date formats.
system_get_date_formats in modules/system/system.module
Gets the list of defined date formats and attributes.


modules/system/system.module, line 3815
Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.


function _system_date_formats_build() {
  $date_formats = array();

  // First handle hook_date_format_types().
  $types = _system_date_format_types_build();
  foreach ($types as $type => $info) {

  // Get formats supplied by various contrib modules.
  $module_formats = module_invoke_all('date_formats');
  foreach ($module_formats as $module_format) {

    // System types are locked.
    $module_format['locked'] = 1;

    // If no date type is specified, assign 'custom'.
    if (!isset($module_format['type'])) {
      $module_format['type'] = 'custom';
    if (!in_array($module_format['type'], array_keys($types))) {
    if (!isset($date_formats[$module_format['type']])) {
      $date_formats[$module_format['type']] = array();

    // If another module already set this format, merge in the new settings.
    if (isset($date_formats[$module_format['type']][$module_format['format']])) {
      $date_formats[$module_format['type']][$module_format['format']] = array_merge_recursive($date_formats[$module_format['type']][$module_format['format']], $module_format);
    else {

      // This setting will be overridden later if it already exists in the db.
      $module_format['is_new'] = TRUE;
      $date_formats[$module_format['type']][$module_format['format']] = $module_format;

  // Get custom formats added to the database by the end user.
  $result = db_query('SELECT df.dfid, df.format, df.type, df.locked, dfl.language FROM {date_formats} df LEFT JOIN {date_format_locale} dfl ON df.format = dfl.format AND df.type = dfl.type ORDER BY df.type, df.format');
  foreach ($result as $record) {

    // If this date type isn't set, initialise the array.
    if (!isset($date_formats[$record->type])) {
      $date_formats[$record->type] = array();
    $format = (array) $record;
    $format['is_new'] = FALSE;

    // It's in the db, so override this setting.
    // If this format not already present, add it to the array.
    if (!isset($date_formats[$record->type][$record->format])) {
      $format['module'] = '';
      $format['locales'] = array(
      $date_formats[$record->type][$record->format] = $format;
    else {
      if (!empty($record->language)) {
        $format['locales'] = array_merge($date_formats[$record->type][$record->format]['locales'], array(
      $date_formats[$record->type][$record->format] = array_merge($date_formats[$record->type][$record->format], $format);

  // Allow other modules to modify these formats.
  drupal_alter('date_formats', $date_formats);
  return $date_formats;