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50 calls to DrupalTestCase::fail() in Drupal 7
BatchPercentagesUnitTestCase::testBatchPercentages in modules/ simpletest/ tests/batch.test
Test the _batch_api_percentage () function.
BlockCacheTestCase::setCacheMode in modules/ block/block.test
Private helper method to set the test block's cache mode.
DatabaseEmptyStatementTestCase::testEmptyIteration in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that the empty result set iterates safely.
DatabaseInsertDefaultsTestCase::testDefaultEmptyInsert in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that no action will be preformed if no fields are specified.
DatabaseInvalidDataTestCase::testInsertDuplicateData in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Traditional SQL database systems abort inserts when invalid data is encountered.
DatabaseMergeTestCase::testInvalidMerge in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test that an invalid merge query throws an exception like it is supposed to.
DatabaseQueryTestCase::testArrayArgumentsSQLInjection in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test SQL injection via database query array arguments.
DatabaseTemporaryQueryTestCase::testTemporaryQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Confirm that temporary tables work and are limited to one request.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testCommittedTransaction in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test committed transaction.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionRollBackNotSupported in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test transaction rollback on a database that does not support transactions.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionRollBackSupported in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test transaction rollback on a database that supports transactions.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionStacking in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test transaction stacking and commit / rollback.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionWithDdlStatement in modules/ simpletest/ tests/database_test.test
Test the compatibility of transactions with DDL statements.
DBLogTestCase::asText in modules/ dblog/dblog.test
Extracts the text contained by the XHTML element.
DrupalTagsHandlingTestCase::assertTags in modules/ simpletest/ tests/common.test
Helper function: asserts that the ending array of tags is what we wanted.
DrupalTestCase::run in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Run all tests in this class.
DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoDuplicateIds in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Asserts that each HTML ID is used for just a single element.
DrupalWebTestCase::checkPermissions in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Check to make sure that the array of permissions are valid.
DrupalWebTestCase::clickLink in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Follows a link by name.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPost in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Execute a POST request on a Drupal page.
It will be done as usual POST request with SimpleBrowser.
DrupalWebTestCase::parse in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Parse content returned from curlExec using DOM and SimpleXML.
DrupalWebTestCase::tearDown in modules/ simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Delete created files and temporary files directory, delete the tables created by setUp(),
and reset the database prefix.
EnableDisableTestCase::testEnableDisable in modules/ system/system.test
Test that all core modules can be enabled, disabled and uninstalled.
EntityFieldQueryTestCase::assertEntityFieldQuery in modules/ simpletest/ tests/entity_query.test
Fetches the results of an EntityFieldQuery and compares.
FieldCrudTestCase::testCreateField in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the creation of a field.
FieldCrudTestCase::testUpdateFieldForbid in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test field type modules forbidding an update.
FieldCrudTestCase::testUpdateFieldType in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
FieldCrudTestCase::testUpdateNonExistentField in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
FieldInstanceCrudTestCase::testCreateFieldInstance in modules/ field/ tests/field.test
Test the creation of a field instance.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testFieldUpdateFailure in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test that failure to create fields is handled gracefully.
FieldSqlStorageTestCase::testUpdateFieldSchemaWithData in modules/ field/ modules/ field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.test
Test trying to update a field with data.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileCreateNewFilepath in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This will take a directory and path, and find a valid filepath that is not
taken by another file.
FileDirectoryTest::testFileDestination in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
This will test the filepath for a destination based on passed flags and
whether or not the file exists.
FormsTestCase::testRequiredCheckboxesRadio in modules/ simpletest/ tests/form.test
Tests validation for required checkbox, select, and radio elements.
ImageStylesPathAndUrlTestCase::_testImageStyleUrlAndPath in modules/ image/image.test
Test image_style_url ().
ImageToolkitGdTestCase::testManipulations in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Since PHP can't visually check that our images have been manipulated
properly, build a list of expected color values for each of the corners and
the expected height and widths for the final images.
ImageToolkitGdTestCase::testTransparentColorOutOfRange in modules/ simpletest/ tests/image.test
Tests loading an image whose transparent color index is out of range.
ListFieldTestCase::testUpdateAllowedValues in modules/ field/ modules/ list/ tests/list.test
Test that allowed values can be updated.
NodeCreationTestCase::testFailedPageCreation in modules/ node/node.test
Verifies that a transaction rolls back the failed creation.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterLowLevelEditAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter, for edit access.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterLowLevelNoAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter, for user without access.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterLowLevelWithAccess in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter, for user with access.
NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterOverride in modules/ node/node.test
Tests 'node_access' query alter override.
RequestSanitizerTest::assertError in modules/ simpletest/ tests/request_sanitizer.test
Asserts that the expected error has been logged.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::asText in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Extract the text contained by the element.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::stubTest in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Test to be run and the results confirmed.
SimpleTestMissingDependentModuleUnitTest::testFail in modules/ simpletest/simpletest.test
Ensure that this test will not be loaded despite its dependency.
StreamWrapperTest::testPharFile in modules/ simpletest/ tests/file.test
Tests that only valid phar files can be used.
TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldValidation in modules/ taxonomy/taxonomy.test
Test term field validation.
UpgradePathTestCase::performUpgrade in modules/ simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/upgrade.test
Perform the upgrade.