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function BatchPercentagesUnitTestCase::testBatchPercentages in Drupal 7

Test the _batch_api_percentage() function.


modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test, line 387
Tests for the Batch API.


Tests the function _batch_api_percentage() to make sure that the rounding works properly in all cases.


function testBatchPercentages() {
  foreach ($this->testCases as $expected_result => $arguments) {

    // PHP sometimes casts numeric strings that are array keys to integers,
    // cast them back here.
    $expected_result = (string) $expected_result;
    $total = $arguments['total'];
    $current = $arguments['current'];
    $actual_result = _batch_api_percentage($total, $current);
    if ($actual_result === $expected_result) {
        ->pass(t('Expected the batch api percentage at the state @numerator/@denominator to be @expected%, and got @actual%.', array(
        '@numerator' => $current,
        '@denominator' => $total,
        '@expected' => $expected_result,
        '@actual' => $actual_result,
    else {
        ->fail(t('Expected the batch api percentage at the state @numerator/@denominator to be @expected%, but got @actual%.', array(
        '@numerator' => $current,
        '@denominator' => $total,
        '@expected' => $expected_result,
        '@actual' => $actual_result,