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function shortcut_set_switch_submit in Drupal 7

Submit handler for shortcut_set_switch().


modules/shortcut/, line 125
Administrative page callbacks for the shortcut module.


function shortcut_set_switch_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;
  $account = $form_state['values']['account'];
  if ($form_state['values']['set'] == 'new') {

    // Save a new shortcut set with links copied from the user's default set.
    $default_set = shortcut_default_set($account);
    $set = (object) array(
      'title' => $form_state['values']['new'],
      'links' => menu_links_clone($default_set->links),
    $replacements = array(
      '%user' => $account->name,
      '%set_name' => $set->title,
      '@switch-url' => url(current_path()),
    if ($account->uid == $user->uid) {

      // Only administrators can create new shortcut sets, so we know they have
      // access to switch back.
      drupal_set_message(t('You are now using the new %set_name shortcut set. You can edit it from this page or <a href="@switch-url">switch back to a different one.</a>', $replacements));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('%user is now using a new shortcut set called %set_name. You can edit it from this page.', $replacements));
    $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/' . $set->set_name;
  else {

    // Switch to a different shortcut set.
    $set = shortcut_set_load($form_state['values']['set']);
    $replacements = array(
      '%user' => $account->name,
      '%set_name' => $set->title,
    drupal_set_message($account->uid == $user->uid ? t('You are now using the %set_name shortcut set.', $replacements) : t('%user is now using the %set_name shortcut set.', $replacements));

  // Assign the shortcut set to the provided user account.
  shortcut_set_assign_user($set, $account);