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poll-results-block.tpl.php in Drupal 6

poll-results-block.tpl.php Display the poll results in a block.

Variables available:

  • $title: The title of the poll.
  • $results: The results of the poll.
  • $votes: The total results in the poll.
  • $links: Links in the poll.
  • $nid: The nid of the poll
  • $cancel_form: A form to cancel the user's vote, if allowed.
  • $raw_links: The raw array of links. Should be run through theme('links') if used.
  • $vote: The choice number of the current user's vote.


View source

 * @file poll-results-block.tpl.php
 * Display the poll results in a block.
 * Variables available:
 * - $title: The title of the poll.
 * - $results: The results of the poll.
 * - $votes: The total results in the poll.
 * - $links: Links in the poll.
 * - $nid: The nid of the poll
 * - $cancel_form: A form to cancel the user's vote, if allowed.
 * - $raw_links: The raw array of links. Should be run through theme('links')
 *   if used.
 * - $vote: The choice number of the current user's vote.
 * @see template_preprocess_poll_results()

<div class="poll">
  <div class="title"><?php

print $title;

print $results;
  <div class="total">

print t('Total votes: @votes', array(
  '@votes' => $votes,
<div class="links"><?php

print $links;