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function overlay_display_empty_page in Drupal 7

Stores and returns whether an empty page override is needed.

This is used to prevent a page request which closes the overlay (for example, a form submission) from being fully re-rendered before the overlay is closed. Instead, we store a variable which will cause the page to be rendered by a delivery callback function that does not actually print visible HTML (but rather only the bare minimum scripts and styles necessary to trigger the overlay to close), thereby allowing the dialog to be closed faster and with less interruption, and also allowing the display of messages to be deferred to the parent window (rather than displaying them in the child window, which will close before the user has had a chance to read them).


$value: By default, an empty page will not be displayed. Set to TRUE to request an empty page display, or FALSE to disable the empty page display (if it was previously enabled on this page request).

Return value

TRUE if the current behavior is to display an empty page, or FALSE if not.

See also


2 calls to overlay_display_empty_page()
overlay_close_dialog in modules/overlay/overlay.module
Requests that the overlay closes when the page is displayed.
overlay_page_delivery_callback_alter in modules/overlay/overlay.module
Implements hook_page_delivery_callback_alter().


modules/overlay/overlay.module, line 569
Displays the Drupal administration interface in an overlay.


function overlay_display_empty_page($value = NULL) {
  $display_empty_page =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, FALSE);
  if (isset($value)) {
    $display_empty_page = $value;
  return $display_empty_page;