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function _openid_test_endpoint_authenticate in Drupal 7

OpenID endpoint; handle "authenticate" requests.

All requests result in a successful response. The request is a GET or POST made by the user's browser based on an HTML form or HTTP redirect generated by the Relying Party. The user is redirected back to the Relying Party using a URL containing a signed message in the query string confirming the user's identity.

1 call to _openid_test_endpoint_authenticate()
openid_test_endpoint in modules/openid/tests/openid_test.module
Menu callback; OpenID Provider Endpoint.


modules/openid/tests/openid_test.module, line 314
Dummy OpenID Provider used with SimpleTest.


function _openid_test_endpoint_authenticate() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'openid');
  $expected_identity = variable_get('openid_test_identity');
  if ($expected_identity && $_REQUEST['openid_identity'] != $expected_identity) {
    $response = variable_get('openid_test_response', array()) + array(
      'openid.ns' => OPENID_NS_2_0,
      'openid.mode' => 'error',
      'openid.error' => 'Unexpted identity',
    drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
    header('Location: ' . url($_REQUEST['openid_return_to'], array(
      'query' => $response,
      'external' => TRUE,

  // Generate unique identifier for this authentication.
  $nonce = _openid_nonce();

  // Generate response containing the user's identity.
  $response = variable_get('openid_test_response', array()) + array(
    'openid.ns' => OPENID_NS_2_0,
    'openid.mode' => 'id_res',
    'openid.op_endpoint' => url('openid-test/endpoint', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    'openid.claimed_id' => !empty($_REQUEST['openid_claimed_id']) ? $_REQUEST['openid_claimed_id'] : '',
    'openid.identity' => $_REQUEST['openid_identity'],
    'openid.return_to' => $_REQUEST['openid_return_to'],
    'openid.response_nonce' => $nonce,
    'openid.assoc_handle' => 'openid-test',
  if (isset($response['openid.signed'])) {
    $keys_to_sign = explode(',', $response['openid.signed']);
  else {

    // Unless openid.signed is explicitly defined, all keys are signed.
    $keys_to_sign = array();
    foreach ($response as $key => $value) {

      // Strip off the "openid." prefix.
      $keys_to_sign[] = substr($key, 7);
    $response['openid.signed'] = implode(',', $keys_to_sign);

  // Sign the message using the MAC key that was exchanged during association.
  $association = new stdClass();
  $association->mac_key = variable_get('mac_key');
  if (!isset($response['openid.sig'])) {
    $response['openid.sig'] = _openid_signature($association, $response, $keys_to_sign);

  // Put the signed message into the query string of a URL supplied by the
  // Relying Party, and redirect the user.
  drupal_add_http_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
  header('Location: ' . url($_REQUEST['openid_return_to'], array(
    'query' => $response,
    'external' => TRUE,