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function _openid_xrds_parse in Drupal 7

Parse an XRDS document.


$raw_xml: A string containing the XRDS document.

Return value

An array of service entries.

1 call to _openid_xrds_parse()
_openid_xrds_discovery in modules/openid/openid.module
OpenID discovery method: perform a XRDS discovery.


modules/openid/, line 139
OpenID utility functions.


function _openid_xrds_parse($raw_xml) {
  $services = array();

  // For PHP version >= 5.2.11, we can use this function to protect against
  // malicious doctype declarations and other unexpected entity loading.
  // However, we will not rely on it, and reject any XML with a DOCTYPE.
  // libxml_disable_entity_loader() is deprecated in PHP >= 8.0.
  $disable_entity_loader = function_exists('libxml_disable_entity_loader') && PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000;
  if ($disable_entity_loader) {
    $load_entities = libxml_disable_entity_loader(TRUE);

  // Load the XML into a DOM document.
  $dom = new DOMDocument();

  // Since DOCTYPE declarations from an untrusted source could be malicious, we
  // stop parsing here and treat the XML as invalid since XRDS documents do not
  // require, and are not expected to have, a DOCTYPE.
  if (isset($dom->doctype)) {
    return array();

  // Also stop parsing if there is an unreasonably large number of tags.
  if ($dom
    ->getElementsByTagName('*')->length > variable_get('openid_xrds_maximum_tag_count', 30000)) {
    return array();

  // Parse the DOM document for the information we need.
  if ($xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom)) {
    foreach ($xml
      ->children(OPENID_NS_XRD)->XRD as $xrd) {
      foreach ($xrd
        ->children(OPENID_NS_XRD)->Service as $service_element) {
        $service = array(
          'priority' => $service_element
            ->attributes()->priority ? (int) $service_element
            ->attributes()->priority : PHP_INT_MAX,
          'types' => array(),
          'uri' => (string) $service_element
          'service' => $service_element,
          'xrd' => $xrd,
        foreach ($service_element->Type as $type) {
          $service['types'][] = (string) $type;
        if ($service_element
          ->children(OPENID_NS_XRD)->LocalID) {
          $service['identity'] = (string) $service_element
        elseif ($service_element
          ->children(OPENID_NS_OPENID)->Delegate) {
          $service['identity'] = (string) $service_element
        else {
          $service['identity'] = FALSE;
        $services[] = $service;

  // Return the LIBXML options to the previous state before returning.
  if ($disable_entity_loader) {
  return $services;