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function menu_add_link_labels in Drupal 7

Adds labels to the title of a hidden, unpublished or logged-in menu link.


string $title: The title of the menu link. This will be modified as necessary to add the appropriate label in parentheses at the end.

array $item: An array representing the menu link item.

2 calls to menu_add_link_labels()
_menu_overview_tree_form in modules/menu/
Recursive helper function for menu_overview_form().
_menu_parents_recurse in modules/menu/menu.module
Recursive helper function for menu_parent_options().


modules/menu/menu.module, line 457
Allows administrators to customize the site's navigation menus.


function menu_add_link_labels(&$title, $item) {
  if ($item['hidden']) {
    $title .= ' (' . t('disabled') . ')';
  elseif (!empty($item['node_unpublished'])) {
    $title .= ' (' . t('unpublished') . ')';
  elseif ($item['link_path'] == 'user' && $item['module'] == 'system') {
    $title .= ' (' . t('logged in users only') . ')';