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function menu_update_7000 in Drupal 7

Migrate the "Default menu for content" setting to individual node types.

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modules/menu/menu.install, line 80
Install, update and uninstall functions for the menu module.


function menu_update_7000() {

  // Act only on sites originally on Drupal 6 that have a custom "Default menu
  // for content" setting.
  $default_node_menu = variable_get('menu_default_node_menu');
  if (isset($default_node_menu)) {

    // Remove variable no longer used in Drupal 7.

    // Make sure the menu chosen as the default still exists.
    $defined_menus = db_query('SELECT * FROM {menu_custom}')
      ->fetchAllAssoc('menu_name', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    // If the menu does not exist, do nothing; nodes will use the default D7
    // node menu settings.
    if (!isset($defined_menus[$default_node_menu])) {

    // Update the menu settings for each node type.
    foreach (_update_7000_node_get_types() as $type => $type_object) {
      $type_menus = variable_get('menu_options_' . $type);

      // If the site already has a custom menu setting for this node type (set
      // on the initial upgrade to Drupal 7.0), don't override it.
      if (!isset($type_menus)) {

        // Set up this node type so that the Drupal 6 "Default menu for content"
        // is still available in the "Menu settings" section.
        variable_set('menu_options_' . $type, array(
        variable_set('menu_parent_' . $type, $default_node_menu . ':0');