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forum-list.tpl.php in Drupal 6

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  1. 7 modules/forum/forum-list.tpl.php

forum-list.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a list of forums and containers.

Available variables:

  • $forums: An array of forums and containers to display. It is keyed to the numeric id's of all child forums and containers.
  • $forum_id: Forum id for the current forum. Parent to all items within the $forums array.

Each $forum in $forums contains:

  • $forum->is_container: Is TRUE if the forum can contain other forums. Is FALSE if the forum can contain only topics.
  • $forum->depth: How deep the forum is in the current hierarchy.
  • $forum->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class.
  • $forum->name: The name of the forum.
  • $forum->link: The URL to link to this forum.
  • $forum->description: The description of this forum.
  • $forum->new_topics: True if the forum contains unread posts.
  • $forum->new_url: A URL to the forum's unread posts.
  • $forum->new_text: Text for the above URL which tells how many new posts.
  • $forum->old_topics: A count of posts that have already been read.
  • $forum->num_posts: The total number of posts in the forum.
  • $forum->last_reply: Text representing the last time a forum was posted or commented in.

See also




View source

 * @file forum-list.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation to display a list of forums and containers.
 * Available variables:
 * - $forums: An array of forums and containers to display. It is keyed to the
 *   numeric id's of all child forums and containers.
 * - $forum_id: Forum id for the current forum. Parent to all items within
 *   the $forums array.
 * Each $forum in $forums contains:
 * - $forum->is_container: Is TRUE if the forum can contain other forums. Is
 *   FALSE if the forum can contain only topics.
 * - $forum->depth: How deep the forum is in the current hierarchy.
 * - $forum->zebra: 'even' or 'odd' string used for row class.
 * - $forum->name: The name of the forum.
 * - $forum->link: The URL to link to this forum.
 * - $forum->description: The description of this forum.
 * - $forum->new_topics: True if the forum contains unread posts.
 * - $forum->new_url: A URL to the forum's unread posts.
 * - $forum->new_text: Text for the above URL which tells how many new posts.
 * - $forum->old_topics: A count of posts that have already been read.
 * - $forum->num_posts: The total number of posts in the forum.
 * - $forum->last_reply: Text representing the last time a forum was posted or
 *   commented in.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_list()
 * @see theme_forum_list()
<table id="forum-<?php

print $forum_id;

print t('Forum');

print t('Topics');

print t('Posts');

print t('Last post');

foreach ($forums as $child_id => $forum) {
    <tr id="forum-list-<?php

  print $child_id;
  ?>" class="<?php

  print $forum->zebra;
      <td <?php

  print $forum->is_container ? 'colspan="4" class="container"' : 'class="forum"';

  /* Enclose the contents of this cell with X divs, where X is the
   * depth this forum resides at. This will allow us to use CSS
   * left-margin for indenting.

  print str_repeat('<div class="indent">', $forum->depth);
          <div class="name"><a href="<?php

  print $forum->link;

  print $forum->name;

  if ($forum->description) {
            <div class="description"><?php

    print $forum->description;


  print str_repeat('</div>', $forum->depth);

  if (!$forum->is_container) {
        <td class="topics">

    print $forum->num_topics;

    if ($forum->new_topics) {
            <br />
            <a href="<?php

      print $forum->new_url;

      print $forum->new_text;

        <td class="posts"><?php

    print $forum->num_posts;
        <td class="last-reply"><?php

    print $forum->last_reply;

