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function book_get_books in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 modules/book/book.module \book_get_books()

Returns an array of all books.

This list may be used for generating a list of all the books, or for building the options for a form select.

4 calls to book_get_books()
book_admin_overview in modules/book/
Returns an administrative overview of all books.
book_block in modules/book/book.module
Implementation of hook_block().
book_render in modules/book/
Menu callback; prints a listing of all books.
_book_add_form_elements in modules/book/book.module
Build the common elements of the book form for the node and outline forms.


modules/book/book.module, line 255
Allows users to structure the pages of a site in a hierarchy or outline.


function book_get_books() {
  static $all_books;
  if (!isset($all_books)) {
    $all_books = array();
    $result = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(bid) FROM {book}");
    $nids = array();
    while ($book = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $nids[] = $book['bid'];
    if ($nids) {
      $result2 = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.type, n.title, b.*, ml.* FROM {book} b INNER JOIN {node} n on b.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN {menu_links} ml ON b.mlid = ml.mlid WHERE n.nid IN (" . implode(',', $nids) . ") AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY ml.weight, ml.link_title"));
      while ($link = db_fetch_array($result2)) {
        $link['href'] = $link['link_path'];
        $link['options'] = unserialize($link['options']);
        $all_books[$link['bid']] = $link;
  return $all_books;