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book-navigation.tpl.php in Drupal 6

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  1. 7 modules/book/book-navigation.tpl.php

book-navigation.tpl.php Default theme implementation to navigate books. Presented under nodes that are a part of book outlines.

Available variables:

  • $tree: The immediate children of the current node rendered as an unordered list.
  • $current_depth: Depth of the current node within the book outline. Provided for context.
  • $prev_url: URL to the previous node.
  • $prev_title: Title of the previous node.
  • $parent_url: URL to the parent node.
  • $parent_title: Title of the parent node. Not printed by default. Provided as an option.
  • $next_url: URL to the next node.
  • $next_title: Title of the next node.
  • $has_links: Flags TRUE whenever the previous, parent or next data has a value.
  • $book_id: The book ID of the current outline being viewed. Same as the node ID containing the entire outline. Provided for context.
  • $book_url: The book/node URL of the current outline being viewed. Provided as an option. Not used by default.
  • $book_title: The book/node title of the current outline being viewed. Provided as an option. Not used by default.


View source

 * @file book-navigation.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation to navigate books. Presented under nodes that
 * are a part of book outlines.
 * Available variables:
 * - $tree: The immediate children of the current node rendered as an
 *   unordered list.
 * - $current_depth: Depth of the current node within the book outline.
 *   Provided for context.
 * - $prev_url: URL to the previous node.
 * - $prev_title: Title of the previous node.
 * - $parent_url: URL to the parent node.
 * - $parent_title: Title of the parent node. Not printed by default. Provided
 *   as an option.
 * - $next_url: URL to the next node.
 * - $next_title: Title of the next node.
 * - $has_links: Flags TRUE whenever the previous, parent or next data has a
 *   value.
 * - $book_id: The book ID of the current outline being viewed. Same as the
 *   node ID containing the entire outline. Provided for context.
 * - $book_url: The book/node URL of the current outline being viewed.
 *   Provided as an option. Not used by default.
 * - $book_title: The book/node title of the current outline being viewed.
 *   Provided as an option. Not used by default.
 * @see template_preprocess_book_navigation()
if ($tree || $has_links) {
  <div id="book-navigation-<?php

  print $book_id;
  ?>" class="book-navigation">

  print $tree;


  if ($has_links) {
    <div class="page-links clear-block">

    if ($prev_url) {
        <a href="<?php

      print $prev_url;
      ?>" class="page-previous" title="<?php

      print t('Go to previous page');

      print t('‹ ') . $prev_title;


    if ($parent_url) {
        <a href="<?php

      print $parent_url;
      ?>" class="page-up" title="<?php

      print t('Go to parent page');

      print t('up');


    if ($next_url) {
        <a href="<?php

      print $next_url;
      ?>" class="page-next" title="<?php

      print t('Go to next page');

      print $next_title . t(' ›');



