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function aggregator_page_categories in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4 modules/aggregator.module \aggregator_page_categories()
  2. 5 modules/aggregator/aggregator.module \aggregator_page_categories()
  3. 7 modules/aggregator/ \aggregator_page_categories()

Menu callback; displays all the categories used by the aggregator.

1 string reference to 'aggregator_page_categories'
aggregator_menu in modules/aggregator/aggregator.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


modules/aggregator/, line 299
User page callbacks for the aggregator module.


function aggregator_page_categories() {
  $result = db_query('SELECT c.cid, c.title, c.description FROM {aggregator_category} c LEFT JOIN {aggregator_category_item} ci ON c.cid = ci.cid LEFT JOIN {aggregator_item} i ON ci.iid = i.iid GROUP BY c.cid, c.title, c.description');
  $output = '';
  while ($category = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if (variable_get('aggregator_summary_items', 3)) {
      $summary_items = array();
      $items = db_query_range('SELECT i.title, i.timestamp,, f.title as feed_title, as feed_link FROM {aggregator_category_item} ci LEFT JOIN {aggregator_item} i ON i.iid = ci.iid LEFT JOIN {aggregator_feed} f ON i.fid = f.fid WHERE ci.cid = %d ORDER BY i.timestamp DESC', $category->cid, 0, variable_get('aggregator_summary_items', 3));
      while ($item = db_fetch_object($items)) {
        $summary_items[] = theme('aggregator_summary_item', $item);
    $category->url = url('aggregator/categories/' . $category->cid);
    $output .= theme('aggregator_summary_items', $summary_items, $category);
  return theme('aggregator_wrapper', $output);